What a difference a year makes, last year it  was cold and dull for the GEAR 10k Run, I ran with an injury and it was hard, this year it was sunny and hot, I had no injury and I loved it 🙂

Almost finished
1700 runners took part and the atmosphere was brilliant,crowds of people lined the streets cheering you on at every corner.
Geoff was also there to support me, which really made my day and he took some great photos.
There was a time last year when I thought my Achilles would never get better and I would never run again but eventually around Christmas time I started back with some gentle runs.
Then I joined The Lynnsport Ladybirds running club,at first I found it hard especially as I was used to running on my own,but I soon settled in and for the first time ever I started to meet people from around Kings Lynn.
I was soon back up to running 6 miles but was very paranoid about my Achilles, it does ache at times but thankfully I have learnt to rest it between runs and the aching soon goes away.
This run was amazing for me, I am so happy to be back running, I want to run longer distance but must confess that I am scared I may upset my Achilles again and I dont want any more injuries!
So for now I will try the Park Run, the Race for Life in July, and the Sandringham Xk in September
and if anyone has any tips on how to strengthen my Achilles then please let me know 🙂