Author Archives: Sally


Tonight we are at the beautiful secluded Turan Hill Lounge  (Warning Jenny it’s in flash!) in Kabak.

We walked the 9km Coastal path from the George House. It was a harder walk than expected in heat over 30c but we were rewarded with magnificent views.

Turkish coastOn the way we saw many turtles and had a fabulous swim in the sea where the water is wonderfully warm if a bit salty for my liking πŸ™‚

Towards the end of the walk we joined back up with the Lycian way and continued along the way till we found the Turan Hill Lounge.

Where, We enjoyed the coolness of their spring water pool, drank wine and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon.

I especially love that our delux cabin is called ” Libra ” as it’s my birthday tomorrow not just any old birthday but my 50th

Plunge PoolHow lovely it’s going to be to wake up with Geoff in this beautiful place to another day of walking

What more could a girl ask for πŸ™‚

The start

Geoff & Sally start of Lycian WayToday we walked the first day of the Lycian Way from Ovacik to Faralya the book said 7 hours , we did it in under 5.

It was a great walk brilliant scenery with sea and mountains always in sight.

As always I feel like I have lost a stone in sweat but it’s a wonderful feeling.

We are staying at the George House pension which is a little piece of paradise with the most fantastic vegetarian food.

From the George House you can climb down to the Butterfly Valley and the beach it’s a dangerous walk / climb down and many ropes are needed to assist you.Sally going down to Butterfly Valley

It was very scary and many times we thought about turning back but we so wanted that swim in the sea !

The swim was beautiful but we were concerned about our climb back up to the George House.

We almost took a boat trip to the next village but decided going up was usually easier and quicker than going down so off we went πŸ™‚

Lucky for us it was easier and quicker so we just made it back as the sky’s opened to a magnificent thunder storm.

A fantastic first day and we are looking forward to the next 24 days of walking the Lycian Way πŸ™‚

Added weight

I have had to add an item to my ruck-sack.

The Girls from the Crystal Cave had given me an early birthday gift, with instructions to open it just before I went away !

So this morning I have just opened it and was delighted with what I found πŸ™‚

A Carnelian palm stone, with a little note that reads…

Take me walking with you

A stone useful for dramatic pursuits

Full of life force and vitality

Good for stamina

And supports people to walk 300 miles in a month !!

How wonderful is that πŸ™‚

Gone walking

I may be quiet for the next month as tomorrow we fly out to Dalaman in Turkey.

Where we are going to walk the Lycian way

We have no idea how much internet access we shall have, so just think …..

“No news is good news ” πŸ™‚

Btw my ruck sac weighs 7kg, the lightest so far πŸ™‚

Healing those aches and pains !

I have a special necklace to wear while walking in Turkey.

Its a double terminator Tibetan Quartz.

The Quartz Crystal is a master healer and can be used for any condition, it stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.

Double terminated quartz crystals are revered as having a much more
enhanced healing capability compared to Ò€œnormalÒ€ quartz types. They make
powerful healing tools due to an ability to draw in, hold, and release
energy from both their ends.

So this will heal all those aches and pains πŸ™‚


I am not much of a gardener but I love to see a garden full of colour.

The main priority for me is easy maintenance.

So when I saw some lovely looking Evergreen shrubs in Aldi today at a bargain price of £1.99 I thought they would be just right for my front garden.

The shrubs are,

Escallonia Apple Blossom

Its going to be great to watch them grow and flower πŸ™‚

I can see again !

After months of struggling with my glasses, I finally went for an eye test last week.

I knew that my eyes had deteriorated but it was nothing more than expected, at my age πŸ™‚

This time it was decided that varifocals would be better for me but after hearing peoples various comments about them I was unsure if I would like them.

I collected my new glasses today, my instruction had been to put them on, let my eyes get used to them, and try not to go back to my old ones.

The first few hours felt strange but I seem to be getting used to them and Its so nice to be able to see clearly again πŸ™‚

As usual I stuck with a red/pinky pair and had matching sunglasses too… so I am ready for the sun in Turkey !

Wicken Fen walk

After having a 3 week break from walking it was great to be out with the Cambridge Rambling Club yesterday.

It was a great 14 mile walk in brilliant sunshine from Wicken Fen.

My new boots and walking socks had there first outing and I didn’t need pain killers for my calf either,in fact I think the walking has helped it by stretching the muscle.

But I best keep away from the running till after my holiday, I think !

I half expected to see Ellee join us as a practice walk for the charity half marathon she is walking on October 1st

Now I just wonder if I can walk that distance for 25 days while in Turkey.

We never found many Blackberries On our walk but we did find some nice Red Onions….  which I am hoping Geoff will turn into some delicious french onion soup πŸ™‚
