Category Archives: Indian head massage


I start my Indian Head massage course tomorrow at the College of West Anglia in Kings Lynn.

The course was paid for weeks ago and the Cheque cleared on 27th August.

At this moment in time I have had no conformation, or information about this course.

I have phoned student support on several occasions, they transfer my call to the beauty department but no one answers the phone.

Its only because I did my massage course last year that I will know where to go tomorrow but I feel totally unprepared.

Last year we were instructed on what uniform to buy, what books to buy and what stationary equipment we would need.

I hope this is not a sign of things to come……

Another door opens….

As most of my regular readers will know,I have just finished a Swedish massage course at  Kings Lynn College.

I attended this course once a week for a whole year , made some nice friends and most of all I really really enjoyed the course.

Now I am trying to build up a mobile business, here and in Cambridge, it will take time but I am happy with my progress so far.

The big question was ??…. what would I do with myself now college had finished.

Well today,thanks to Geoff, I  just solved that problem by booking myself a place on the Indian head massage course

Its a shorter course ,of only 18 weeks but I know I will just love it.

Roll on September…   🙂