I arrived home today to find I had a very unusual Mothers day gift..
My very own sweetie tree
The tree is made from maltesers, the trunk is a stick of rock and the soil is chocolate covered rasins
How cool is that !!
After having a fantastic walking weekend in Stratford on Avon with the Cambridge Rambling Club, it was time to set out for our next little walking trip.
So this morning we left Cambridge on the 10.30 train,making our way to Pewsey, with bargain priced train tickets of £8 and £12
Once we reached Pewsey we set of walking the 7 miles to Lockeridge where we are now settled into the Tafftrail B&B.
Earlier in the evening we had a lift into near by Marlborough so we could have a quick look round and grab a bite to eat.
We choose to walk the 4 miles back to the B&B taking us back through the foggy and dark country lanes calling in at the Outside Chance pub in Manton for coffee/beer.
Safe back at the B&B I took advantage of there being a bath and enjoyed a nice relaxing deep hot bath, setting me up for a good nights sleep before we start walking the Ridgeway tomorrow .
If today’s little taster of a walk is anything to go by it’s going to be a great 6 days
Pewsey to Lockeridge & Marlborough at EveryTrail
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Well all my massage clients are happy
My cake is baked and my packing is almost done !
So tomorrow after work I can escape for a nice walk.
First we are heading off to Stratford on Avon where we shall be visiting the Royal Shakespeare Theatre to see Twelfth Night, then we shall spend the weekend walking with The cambridge rambling club.
On Monday we head off to Marlborough to walk The Ridgeway, a nice 87 mile walk,this will keep fitbit very happy…… and me too !
While I am away I will not be calorie counting but will try to make good choices and not over eat just because I am walking.
Only 2 kg to target weight
On Saturday I finally had an appointment for my massage at the Sanctuary in Cambridge.
This was a valentines treat for me from Geoff and could not have come at a better time, I have been trying to fit too many things into my days and had been suffering from an annoying dull headache all week
I arrived a good 30 mins early so I could relax in the Lavender room with a cup of herbal tea before my massage
I choose to have a deep tissue massage.
The massage itself was, for many reasons very interesting for me.
Firstly she massaged me using her forearms and fists which takes the strain off her hands/thumbs and  you get a deeper massage.
Secondly I was amazed at how bad my back and shoulders are, they are just full of huge knotts and of course these knotts could be the cause of my headaches.
Thirdly it confirmed to me that the next course I want to do is The Deep Tissue Massage.
A great gift from Geoff and although it was not very relaxing it was very enjoyable and taught me that I should practise what I preach !
( and NO I did not let on that I was a massage therapist )
 The Fat Chance Guide To Dieting is actually the title of a book that I have just finished reading, not a book that I would recommend to anyone, it was not heart stopping, exciting or thrilling but once started had to be read to the end.
I have a few books queued up ready for reading , but a few weeks ago Geoff and I sheltered from the rain in a second hand book shop where I did something quite out of character.
I picked up a book by a completely unknown author , to me anyway , read the back cover and felt I just had to read this book.
The book is by Paulo Coelho and called The Zahir  and I will let you know what I think once I have finished reading it.
My first baking attempt was pretty good, although a little flat and it did stick to the linning paper, that did not stop it being eaten , but I felt there was room for improvement
I had another read of the book and decided it needed more “cloaking”, and that I should invest in a silicone non stick oven liner.
When I took a walk to Aldi this evening I found just the oven liner I needed, so tonight I have had another go at baking my bread.
This time it did not sick or flatten too much and it actually looks like a rustic loaf.
I have a feeling I should have baked it a bit longer but its all trial and error till I get it perfect
With it being Valentines this week I had an extra trip up to Cambridge and a most enjoyable extra night with Geoff.
I was treated to a lovely meal at Le Gros Frank followed by a trip to the cinema to see “woman in black”, a very jumpy, enjoyable film
Then there was the Valentine Surprises……
Needless to say I can hardly wait to book the massage………