Category Archives: Personal

Healing those aches and pains !

I have a special necklace to wear while walking in Turkey.

Its a double terminator Tibetan Quartz.

The Quartz Crystal is a master healer and can be used for any condition, it stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.

Double terminated quartz crystals are revered as having a much more
enhanced healing capability compared to “normal” quartz types. They make
powerful healing tools due to an ability to draw in, hold, and release
energy from both their ends.

So this will heal all those aches and pains 🙂


I am not much of a gardener but I love to see a garden full of colour.

The main priority for me is easy maintenance.

So when I saw some lovely looking Evergreen shrubs in Aldi today at a bargain price of £1.99 I thought they would be just right for my front garden.

The shrubs are,

Escallonia Apple Blossom

Its going to be great to watch them grow and flower 🙂

I can see again !

After months of struggling with my glasses, I finally went for an eye test last week.

I knew that my eyes had deteriorated but it was nothing more than expected, at my age 🙂

This time it was decided that varifocals would be better for me but after hearing peoples various comments about them I was unsure if I would like them.

I collected my new glasses today, my instruction had been to put them on, let my eyes get used to them, and try not to go back to my old ones.

The first few hours felt strange but I seem to be getting used to them and Its so nice to be able to see clearly again 🙂

As usual I stuck with a red/pinky pair and had matching sunglasses too… so I am ready for the sun in Turkey !

Wicken Fen walk

After having a 3 week break from walking it was great to be out with the Cambridge Rambling Club yesterday.

It was a great 14 mile walk in brilliant sunshine from Wicken Fen.

My new boots and walking socks had there first outing and I didn’t need pain killers for my calf either,in fact I think the walking has helped it by stretching the muscle.

But I best keep away from the running till after my holiday, I think !

I half expected to see Ellee join us as a practice walk for the charity half marathon she is walking on October 1st

Now I just wonder if I can walk that distance for 25 days while in Turkey.

We never found many Blackberries On our walk but we did find some nice Red Onions….  which I am hoping Geoff will turn into some delicious french onion soup 🙂



Today finally after weeks of trying I managed to find some time to get out for a run.

All day at work its all I thought about, I was so so looking forward to getting out in the fresh air and totally relaxing into a run 🙂

It started well, feeling like it was only yesterday that I had last ran

Then trouble struck just over the one mile mark, my calf started to hurt, I slowed down a little but by one and a half miles I had to stop 🙁

I hobbled home and I am now sulking…….

Afraid that my body is telling me, at almost 50, I am too old to be running 🙁

Healthy Sausage !

On my Travels around the Internet I have come across 2 new web sites.

Excellent for us watching our weight and trying to eat healthy.

The first one is called Sugar and Spice, they are healthy meal kits.

She say’s “It all Started because of my husbands love of curry and my hatred of all things processed and or numbers that start with an ‘e’. I provide low fat versions of popular dishes, which have much more flavour.”

Here is the facebook page too

My order came during the week and I cannot wait to try them out 🙂

The second one is called sausage shops and they provide a selection of syn free sausages, burgers and meat balls for slimming world fans.

I have been waiting for a special offer and one came along last week so I now have a small collection to try.

First out the freezer came the garlic and herb burgers and they were totally delicious, and not one drop of fat came out of them 🙂

Here is the facebook page too

Trekking in Turkey

Finally we have decided on a plan for our little adventure in October.

On October 1st we are flying to Dalaman in Turkey, then we fly home from Istanbul on 30th October.

In between these dates we hope to walk and travel along all of the Lycian way, Turkey’s first long distance footpath 🙂

The Lycian way is 319 miles so its going to be some walk, with lots of swimming thrown in too 🙂

According to the Sunday Times the Lycian
Way is one of the ten most beautiful long distance hikes of the world.

I just hope I am going to be fit enough !!