Category Archives: Personal

BT Broadband … What a joke !

Most of you that follow me on Twitter will know of the terrible problems that I have been having with BT.

I moved from a rural village into town never expecting that this would mean a very slow Internet speed.

When I moved in BT offered me a deal with Bt vision , knowing full well that this would never work…… I player wont even work πŸ™

Finally this week they sent an engineer out and this is the E-mail I received today

IÒ€ℒm extremely sorry to hear that the engineer visit was un-successful. I have read the report
and it appears that
any increase in the performance of your broadband
connection would r
ender it  unstable. Along with this, the video on
demand aspect of vision will not work with a line running at this low
speed. On this I would like offer an apology on
behalf of BT as this
product should never have been sold to yo
Could I request that we book a convenient time for me to call and discuss this sensitive matter further.

I am totally devastated by this and amazed that BT can get away with offering a broadband service  πŸ™

I wonder what my MP would say if he knew that in this day and age its impossible to get a speed of 2mb ( mine is 1.26 ) on one of the biggest and fast growing housing Estates in Kings Lynn.


Totally Amazing !

This week  I received £100, in high street vouchers ,from Longhurst homes.

It was to say “Thank you” for leaving my house in good repair and ending my tenancy in the correct way.

At the time I had hated painting Andrews bedroom but this week I was really pleased that I had made the effort πŸ™‚

I instantly knew what I would spend the vouchers on, something I have wanted for a while but knew you had to buy a good one as cheap ones just sound so awful.

So now I am the proud owner of a JBL Radial speaker system for my Ipod/Iphone.

Its totally amazing and I will never have to buy a cd again !

As Predicted

We can no longer afford to run Andrews car.

So he has had to hand his notice in at work and finishes on Wednesday πŸ™

Its a relief and worry all at the same time BUT at least we live in a better place now and hopefully he will have more options.

He has applied for a few jobs already and we must stay positive πŸ™‚

Here he is almost 2 years ago to the day

A nightmare Journey

As you already know we had a fab holiday But too soon it was time for me to come home.

My journey home was a total nightmare πŸ™

As always I was sad to be leaving Geoff but at least I had company on the trip home.

We dropped Geoff off at the train station so he could make his way to Lyon  where he was starting his GR10 walk.

After dropping him off we set off on our 7 hour drive to Calais but within mins we realized there was something wrong with the car πŸ™

Luckily we were covered by the RAC so after a little wait they were there to help us, it was not good news, the Alternator had gone.

Basically we had to leave the car behind and make our way to Calais in a hire car, sounds ok you might think BUT hire cars are not allowed on the tunnel so we had to get the ferry as a foot passenger.

Still sounds ok BUT we could leave nothing behind in the car….  as well as having my clothes, walking kit and mac book  I also had Geoff’s mac book air and camera plus a few other bits and bobs.

To make matters worse I had taken advantage of traveling home by car and bought some beautiful french crockery.

Imagine carrying that lot home πŸ™

We finally made it to Cambridge 19 hours after leaving Les Gets.

Thankfully I got everything home in one piece and imagine the story I will have to tell every time i use my lovely crockery πŸ™‚

and no wonder I had a migraine for 4 days




I had a fab holiday In the French Alps πŸ™‚

We did lots of lovely mountain walking.

I watched what I had to eat and always made better choices than I usually would have.

So why did I gain 4 lbs, to say I was devastated is an under statement πŸ™

Today I went food shopping stocked up on the right foods for my Slimming world plan and have started my food diary again.

Later I will be going to the gym too.

I want this 4lb off ASAP.

A Pleasent Evening

This evening I took a drive up to RAF Marham, a place I have chosen not to visit for many years.

The reason for this surprise visit,was to catch up with the ladies from The RAF Marham craft club.

They were as delighted to see me as I were to see them πŸ™‚ and a pleasant few hours was passed knitting and catching up

Needless to say I didn’t go empty handed……

On the downside I missed Geoff’s call πŸ™ but at least I know he is still alive and not lost on the GR10


Its official

As from this week I shall be doing some work at the Serenity Natural Healing Centre in Hunstanton.

Originally I was doing a Monday and Wednesday from 2pm till 7pm but due to some changes I am now available at other times too 

This is a fantastic opportunity for me and I am very grateful to athinkingman for thinking about me πŸ™‚

If you are in the area you just have to visit the Crystal Cave where we have lots of products to tempt you  – crystals, oils, soaps, candles, creams, rough rocks, tumble stones, jewellery, cards, gift boxes.

Then when your finished shopping why not treat yourself to a relaxing massage… and don’t forget to ask for me πŸ™‚

Buntingford and Poppy Fields

Sunday 26th June on the hottest day of this year, 14 walkers turned out for the 15 mile walk from Buntingford.

Christine led us on a great walk providing us with lots of shade from the sun.

The high light of the walk had to be the wonderful Poppy fields.

On our return to Cambridge Geoff and I went off to Jesus Green out door pool for a lovely swim and cool down

Buntingford with CRC