Category Archives: Personal

Simple things !

Just Loving my new house in fact it feels like home already and its the simple things that make all the difference…

Like having a mobile signal in the house , a decent flush on the toilet and no scale build up in the kettle.

Its also a real novelty having instant hot water when ever I turn on the tap.

Its good to be connected to the internet again although the connection is very very slow and I have been unable to get BT vision to work yet, but I really do hope it will settle down.

Surely living in town I will get a better connection than when living in a village

If you want to visit me just follow the sound of the wind chimes, which I am sure can be heard all over Lynn

Home Sweet Home

Well we have been in our new house just 10 days, everything is unpacked and most things have found a home.

All the pictures are up and my curtains are a perfect fit.

The TV aerial has been fitted, all we are waiting for now is a phone line and internet connection.

BT insisted there was no phone line to my house so wanted £100 for a line to be installed and that came with a 3 week wait 🙁

They did offer me a deal, by taking BT Vision TV, my line would then be installed for free.

I reluctantly agreed to this to save myself £100 but it commits me to a new 18 month contract

Its now become quite clear to me that the previous owner did have a BT line as I keep receiving mail form BT addressed to him.

So I am very unhappy with BT at the moment 🙁

On a brighter note we love the house and I just know we are going to be very very happy here.

Geoff has worked so hard helping us settle in and we have so appreciated all his help 🙂


Calm before the storm

Some people seemed to think I should be at home today, packing ready to move on Wednesday, BUT I thought differently !

So as Geoff is leading a walk for the Cambridge rambling club on 12th June,we decided we best go and recce that walk today.

As we are going to be pretty well tied up for the next week or so 🙂

Although it was a windy day it was still quite warm in the sun and the threatened rain stayed well away.

We spent some of the 18 miles making plans for the house move and thinking of all the jobs I have to do.

Lets just pray there are no more hitches and I get those keys tomorrow.

Cambourne-Eltisley circular walk

Another Kitchen Gadget

I have developed a liking for fresh Mango , but boy is it hard to remove that stone.

I often felt like I was wasting more of the Mango than I was eating and more often than not it turned out looking a mess.

Then someone recommended this  all I can say is, its magic 🙂 no fruit is wasted and it always turns out looking nice.

Fun weekend

As you know we like to keep active and this weekend we had 2 nice events planned.

Firstly Saturday was the opening day of the Jesus Green out door pool

Glad to say that this year the water was much warmer at 16 deg compared to last years 12 deg

I managed a good 10 lengths and there is something so nice about swimming outdoors.

Then on Sunday it was the 44th Oxfam walk, this year it was from Wimpole hall.

I was hoping we would do the 22 mile walk this year but we started running out of time so had to cut it short at 18 miles, but I think that was still a good distance.

Unfortunately my camera battery died but here are Geoff’s photos and everytrail of the walk

Cambridge Oxfam Walk 2011 (abbreviated)

While on the subject of Fun, could this be our next little adventure 🙂

A Great Find

With moving house and Matthew finishing College soon Finances are starting to become tight 🙁

So a few cut backs had to be made, yoga classes had to go and for now no trips to the gym to save petrol 🙁

I also cancelled my usual trip to have my legs waxed 🙁 since then I have been agonizing over what to do with my now hairy legs 🙂

Then someone reminded me about the College and there beauty salon.

So yesterday I finally had an appointment to get my legs waxed, for £3 !

Now that’s what I call a bargain and better still,once I do move house the college will be in walking distance.

I also noticed they do massages for £5 🙂

luckily for me someone was just cancelling an appointment so I sneaked in and am so excited that finally I will be getting a massage rather than giving a massage 🙂

Rustle Free

As usual I really enjoyed our Sunday walk with the Cambridge Rambling club.

Not only did we have lovely sunny weather but the views were lovely too, English countryside at its best.

Another reason I enjoyed the walk so much, was because I had new trousers ones that don’t rustle, which meant Geoff was happy 🙂

Roman road and fleam dyke

This coming Sunday we shall be doing the Oxfam walk from Wimpole Hall, either 17 or 22 miles.

Lets hope for another nice sunny Sunday !