Category Archives: Personal

Next stop Rokytnik

After a three hours train journey we arrived in Rokytnik.

A lovely quiet countryside village, in fact the stillness was amazing, no car noise, no airplanes just complete stillness.

We were totally and utterly looked after all we had to do was relax and enjoy.

We had a day trip out to the Adrspach Rocks  where we enjoyed a great walk around some amazing rocks, with some imagination you see what they had been named after 🙂

The Following day we took a walk from Rokytnik enjoying the local beautiful counrtyside.

We visited 2 miracle springs, I drank from both hoping they would help me in some way 🙂

The Maternice well with reputedly miraculous water, a destination for pilgrims who used to hang pictures of saints in nearby trees in thanks for there recovery

The other well was in Hronov and was full of sulphur just the smell was enough to make you sick.

So you can imagine how bad it tasted, to my surprise people still come and bottle this water to take home.

Then amazingly on the day we were leaving we woke to find an inch of snow had fallen 🙂 our train was delayed but thankfully due to buses we made it to the airport on time.

We arrived home late on Tuesday feeling like we had been away 4 weeks not 4 days, Thanks to Steve Ren and her family for looking after us so well.

And I have this funny feeling that we may be returning next year 🙂

Visit to Czech Republic

After the big wedding on Friday which I missed due to working, we caught a late night flight to Prague.

Arriving gone midnight we took a taxi to our hotel, where we set our alarm to wake us early so we could start the day with a swim in the amazing pool with panoramic views.

After breakfast we spent the morning sight seeing in Prague, a beautiful city with some magnificent buildings.

I particularly liked the Astronomical Clock  ( no 8 of 645 things to do in Prague

and The Charles bridge.  ( no 1 of 645 things to do in Prague  )

After enjoying a lovely AL fresco lunch near the John Lennon wall   ( no 63 of 645 things to do in Prague

We caught the 2pm train to take us on a 3 hour journey to our next destination Rokytnik  🙂

To see all photos click here !

One job done !

After moving into this house in 2005, I soon realized, as the garden gets all the sun, a patio was needed 🙂

After getting a few quotes I decided I would never get one

Unless I did it myself.

So with the help of my then boyfriend we built one.

It took a lot of hard work, sweat and tears but has been so worth it 🙂

Now I am moving on and once again my new garden gets all the sun.

So it was suggested I dig up the patio stones to take with me.

At first I was against the idea, just the thought of having to lay them again makes me come out in a sweat

But my son Matthew had different ideas and today he dug the patio up 🙂

I Just hope he knows how to re-lay it 🙂

Norfolk Tulips

In 2007 I blogged about the Norfolk Tulips

Every year I have looked for these Tulip fields and finally this year they are here again 🙂

Early this morning I took a walk around the field, its just amazing to see row upon row of tulips all in different colours.

They look so stunning especially in the beautiful sunshine we are having at the moment 🙂

< >

My first giveaway win !

In my dreams I like to think that I have time to knit a 100 pairs of socks, so many of my friends including my sons and Geoff would love a pair.

In reality I am still knitting my first pair 🙁 it takes so long, I knit so slow and finding the time to knit is so hard.

Once I move house it should be easier, evenings will be mine again, no driving into Lynn every night 🙂

Last week I won a fab giveaway that p2tog was running, I read all these lovely knitting blogs and dream of having time 🙂 and speed 🙂

The giveaway was for a ball of Zauberball wool and I choose the Cranberries shade, which will one day be a pair of socks for me !

Maybe by the time I am old and grey I will have knitted them 🙂

One good thing about knitting…….   it stops you eating !

Aches and pains

Two weeks ago I pulled a muscle in my leg while out running, it was so painful I had to walk home 🙁

Not sure why it happened, I have been doing more road running and think I need new shoes, so both these points may not have helped over tired legs 🙁

To save some money I have also stopped going to yoga, so maybe I need to stretch more too.

I have been like a bear with a sore head, moping around as I cannot get out to Run.

Luckily I did manage both my 15 mile Sunday walks and my Monday morning swim, but missed my Zumba class.

My plan was to go for new running shoes today, but I decided if I did I would not be able to resist a run this week.

Although my leg is feeling tons better I think another weeks rest would be good for my aches and pains.

For the first time ever I feel my age 🙁 🙁

Decision time……

I am not good at making decisions , especially not huge life changing ones.

In reality I don’t suppose I have ever had to make many life changing decisions.

All my married life I followed my husband around, always living where he worked and in a house I never actually saw untill we turned up with the removal van

Even when the boys and I moved here we had no choice it was this or nothing.

Living here is like being on a roller coaster, we have a love hate relationship, I love it because its our home but I hate it because we are so far out of town.

Living here is just eating up my savings and in a few years time I will have no savings,and no options !

SO I have decided to put all my savings into a house and we are moving into town, it will be a huge financial struggle but it will open up so many options and hopefully opportunities.

This house is close to not 1 but 2 Tesco stores so in time I will hopefully get a transfer meaning I could walk to work 🙂

Matthew will shortly be finishing college and will be looking for work, by moving he, hopefully will not have the struggle Andrew has had.

Everything we do will be in walking distance of this house, even the train station 🙂

In Fact the house is just perfect for us, So why have I been in such turmoil 🙁

I suppose its change,the fact that I will have no savings,and what if I make the wrong decision, I cannot come running home back to my nice little secure housing association house.

BUT I have made my mind up, set the ball rolling and hopefully soon we shall move house It has to be the right decision 🙂

One thing I do know is that when I do make my mind up I always give 100%