Category Archives: Personal

Moreish Carrot and Date cake

I now tend to do my cake baking on a Saturday afternoon in Cambridge

Where I have a very helpful and eager little helper

Isla, Geoff’s Granddaughter πŸ™‚ 

Last weekend we made the most fantastic looking pink butterfly cakes, complete with pink butter cream

Today we tried a new recipe out for carrot and date cake.

Isla found it fascinating that you would put carrot into a cake !

The recipe came from here and not only was it easy to make but it was delicious.

and did not last 5 mins πŸ™‚

1001 things

I had 100 and 1 things I wanted to do today, but nothing was important enough to keep me at home on such a beautiful sunny day

So I met Geoff at the train station and we took ourselves of to the coast for a walk.

We started off at Heacham, walking along the coast to Hunstanton, then on to old Hunstanton

We then ventured inland along the Peddars way to Ringstead and  Sedgeford before finally heading back to Heacham.

A grand total of 14 miles walked in brilliant warm sunshine.

My lager and lime has never tasted so good πŸ™‚

On route we bumped into 3 walkers I know from the Kings Lynn Ramblers, its been a while since I last saw them so it was lovely to see them and have a quick catch up.

More photos can be seen here !

A perfect pair

A perfect pair of Paintings

That now belong to me πŸ™‚ and Duane delivered them personally

Now i just have to get them framed πŸ™‚

Where is the Sun !

The Guide books say come to Madeira, lovely warm and tropical all year round.

So I came to Madeira excited about the walking and the sun, good job the walking is good !

We met a couple tonight at dinner who have been coming here for the same 2 weeks for the past 16 years

This week is the most rain they have ever seen in those 16 years πŸ™

update on Zumba

Have been to a couple of Zumba classes now, both taught by different people ,both very different classes.

The Lady that usually takes the class is off with a knee injury, so it will be good to experience her take on Zumba.

I am told her classes are slower with more dance

As usual I seem to have slipped into the class well, I do so love group things πŸ™‚

With running and swimming you don’t really have to think ,you just drift along, but with Zumba you have to be thinking all the time while trying to learn all the moves.

I certainly never realized it was so hard to shake your bum to a rhythm, and I am so please no one is watching me πŸ™‚

As you know I like to wear bright colours,but for once I wish I had a black t-shirt as every time I look up all I can see is my bright pink t-shirt reflected in the mirrors !

Think I will be phoning from Madeira to book the next class πŸ™‚

Decisions .. Decisions

Remember my love of beach huts and the paintings I love but could never afford

Well I have come across a painting I could afford but cannot decide if I should buy it or not.

By the time I decide I expect it will be too late.

Do go take a look at Duane Lake Images he has some pretty nice stuff

On a cold rainy day

Try making some Antony Worrall Thompson’s

Chicken Chili and Corn soup

It really is delicious and very warming

Low in fat and calories too so great for all of us that are watching the calories πŸ™‚

For vegetarians just leave the meat out !!

Muddy and Mirky in Newport

Is a good way to describe yesterdays walk with the Cambridge Rambling club.

4×4’s and Quad bikes had churned up the path quite badly in places, making it very muddy and very slippery too.

Even so this did not stop 11 of us from enjoying a nice 13 mile walk led by Sarah.

At the same time Geoff was enjoying a 14 mile walk in Madeira and I am counting the days till I go out to join him πŸ™‚

Muddy Newport