Category Archives: Personal


For weeks now I have been trying to get into the Zumba class  held on a Saturday morning at Greens

I always thought I could book 7 days in advance and could never understand why I could not get into the class.

Last week I realized that due to my platinum membership I could actually book 8 days in advance.

So at 7am yesterday morning I phoned to book, I have received no return call so this means I am booked into the class on Saturday 26th Feb 🙂

After all this trouble lets hope I enjoy it, and can get my running shoes clean enough to use, I may have to put them through the washing machine 🙁



This year I almost missed the Seville oranges 🙁

Then after a quick reminder I managed to get 3kg from Cambridge Market.

With those 3kg I made 2 batches of marmalade.

I used a different method this year, instead of cooking the oranges whole, I squeezed the oranges first then cut the rind into small slices.

I preferred this method but each batch took four hours from start to finish.

So Geoff now has 26 jars of marmalade to get though 🙂 not quite enough for the jar a week he eats but I hope he will be pleased .

Geoff’s sister gave me a new little gadget that certainly made filling the jars much easier 🙂

I have not tried it yet but someone told me marmalade and cheese makes a delish sandwich 🙂

My perfect day

My Valentines day was the most perfect day for me 🙂

Where would you take a fish lover to dinner ?? … Loch Fyne of course, and I wore my new little red dress too.

The valentines menu was superb and making my choices was easy.

For starters I had grilled oysters with garlic and breadcrumbs.

Main course was Sea bass fillets and Scallops

and for dessert I had the most amazing Rhubarb creme brulee

All washed down with a delish bottle of Chablis wine, which has to be my favourite wine 🙂

Then to end the evening Geoff took me to a Valentines Ceilidh, something I have only recently discovered and I just love it 🙂

So we spent the evening dancing off all the calories we had eaten at dinner

This Ceilidh was amazing as almost everyone there was young students.

Thanks to Geoff I had such a wonderful time that I have not stopped smiling this week and yes I do know just how lucky I am !

Stour Valley Bunkhouse

This is where we escaped too at the weekend, along with 20 other members of the Cambridge Rambling club.

Jill led us on two great walks , a 19 miler along the Stour Estuary then a 14 miler from East Bergholt in Constable Country.

The weather was not fantastic but better than you would expect for February

We Finished the weekend off at FlatFord Mills for tea and cake 🙂

A great relaxing weekend spent in good company.

More photos can be seen here and here  🙂

Back to basics

I do most of my running on my own, which I do enjoy but often I have thought how nice it would be to have a group to run with.

Just after Christmas I saw an advert for a six week beginners running course, ran by a running club called the Lynnsport Ladybirds.

Now I know I am not a beginner but I felt sure I could benefit from a course like this.

We are now into our 3rd week and it has to be one of the best things I have ever done.

I am meeting some lovely ladies, getting an extra hours running on top of my usual Wednesday run and I am learning to stretch again 🙂

After the six weeks I am sure I will progress into the Lynnsport Ladybirds group and you never know I may just do the GEAR 10k run..

This week we even got a gift… our very own get active sweat shirt 🙂

It only has one draw back for me, it means another drive into Kings Lynn 🙁

Beach Huts

I have a thing about beach huts 🙂

Its the nice bright, happy, colours that attract me too them.

One day I hope to own a fabulous oil painting of some, so I am always on the look out for these kind of paintings.

I have found a few I have really liked but sadly they are always out my price range, but I still enjoy looking 🙂

I came across an artist at the weekend, Katty McMurray , she paints great oil paintings of beach huts.

She has one that I especially like ,its called Across the water , Wells next to sea.

Once again, I will only be looking, but her paintings are so delightful I thought I would share them with you 🙂

My Little Black Dress

Over the years I have collected a great set of traveling clothes.

All light weight and fast drying,which is very important when you only ever take hand hand luggage.

I just had one thing missing and that was a dress for evening wear.

It had to be something I could throw into my ruc-sac but stay smart enough to just pull out and wear.

I wanted my own little black dress BUT the trouble is I just do not ever wear black , I find it a very depressing colour and it effects my mood in the same way 🙁

So Thanks to Geoff this is my new little black dress, all ready to take to Madeira in march 🙂

Dry Drayton with CRC

Was great to catch up with the Cambridge Rambling club on Sunday.

This weeks walk was from Dry Drayton, the fields are very wet and muddy but there are signs that spring is on its way 🙂

A good 14 miles walked but the backs of my legs ached,maybe I should practice what I preach and have a massage

Looking forward to our YHA weekend at the Stour valley Bunkhouse

A weekend of walking a great treat for Valentines 🙂

Dry Drayton CRC