Category Archives: Personal

The cake with a million calories

For Christmas Geoff’s son, Steve and his girlfriend Renata, gave me  a JML Giant cup cake mould

If you know me you will realize this was a perfect gift for me πŸ™‚

I didn’t have to wait too long for an excuse to bake one, as Emily’s 21st was just round the corner.

Its a whopper of a cake, taking a 1lb of sugar, butter and flour along with 8 eggs πŸ™‚

It was such fun to bake that I am about to make another one !

The cake with no calories

Some time ago I was about to buy a knitted cup cake

When I suddenly decided, why not knit my own

So a search for the right pattern began, I finally found this fabulous book on amazon. called Knitted cakes ( twenty to make)

In it I found just the patten I was looking for and decided to knit it for Emily’s 21st birthday.

It was great fun to knit and to give πŸ™‚

A Little girl I know is desperate for the Doughnut but that shall have to wait till after my skiing holiday πŸ™‚

Best kept secret !

Mia, Geoff’s daughter in law, makes the most fantastic ,unique, stone pendants.

I am very lucky to own 2 of these pendants.

One was a Christmas gift, made from the beautiful river stones I loved so much in China.

All the pendants are individually handmade, one-off pieces – strung and knotted with strong thread in complementing colours.

Now you could own one too , and I could not think of a better gift for your loved one on Valentines day πŸ™‚

First run of 2011

After my first walk of 2011 yesterday , today it was out for my first run of 2011.

Just over 3 miles done and I felt very heavy and sluggish πŸ™

I also went for a 30 min swim, but this time in a nice warm pool.

Tomorrow its back to my healthy eating plan and to correct all the damage done over Christmas.

I have not weighed myself but can tell I never achieved my goal of not putting on any weight over Christmas πŸ™

Which disappoints me !

First walk of 2011

Today we were back out walking with the Cambridge Rambling club

16 miles walked, that burnt off 1600 calories for me, just what I needed πŸ™‚

A great start to our walking year.

2010 saw no real long walks for me but we have plans for 2011 πŸ™‚

So I must keep myself fit !

First walk of 2011

New Years Day Tradition

Over Christmas the River Cam was frozen over in places

Luckily for us over the past week the weather has warmed up and the ice has melted

So today we managed to take part in the new years day swim in the River Cam  πŸ™‚

More than ever turned up this year so its good to see that we are not the only mental ones

We both managed to  swim the full 30 m from step to step

This year I found it painfully cold but its a great way to start the year !!

Persistence pays!

Last week I received a text message from A who wanted to book a surprise massage for her mums birthday πŸ™‚

I replied straight away and tried to call her many times, even leaving a message on her answer machine.

I thought maybe she had changed her mind when I never heard back from her.

Much to my delight my persistence has paid off and I have just had a lovely call from A.

That is now 3 massage bookings I have for the first 2 weeks in January

2011 is going to be a good year for my massage business πŸ™‚

Sentimental gifts

There are time when I find having full responsibility of my sons very hard

Needless to say we don’t always see eye to eye

We have had a few rough patches this year and I often feel like  I am taken for granted.

In with my Christmas gifts I found these two cards , one from each of them

They bought tears to my eyes !