Category Archives: Personal

A walk from Moulton

Today’s walk was warmer than last weeks but due to the thaw now taking place it was also much muddier 🙂

A lovely 12 mile walk, led by Jenny and starting from Moulton.

The Autumn colours could still be seen today along with the remnants of the snow.

It’s great to have Geoff back home 🙂 and today there was much talk about the New web site Geoff is doing for the Cambridge Rambling club

Moulton Barrow walk

When we returned from our walk I was feeling rather cold, so kept my coat on while I warmed up.

Then while I was trying to do too many jobs at once I managed to burn my best Paramo jacket on the oven.

So feeling a bit pig sick at the moment 🙁 🙁

Best Kitchen Gadget

With Geoff away its been a good opportunity to borrow one of his kitchen gadgets.

I had never even heard of a Potato Ricer till I met Geoff

Now I cannot live with out one 🙂

I have one on order from Santa.

Lets just hope they do better for Christmas than they did for my birthday 🙁

Winter Walking

This weekend was Cambridge Rambling clubs first walk of the year, in freezing cold and snowy conditions.

The cold weather did not put people off though and 13 hikers turned up for the walk.

2 of these hikers were late but luckily with a little bit of help, they managed to catch us up 🙂

For some unknown reason I did not take any of my winter walking kit to Cambridge with me, so I really felt the cold 🙁

But that did not stop me from enjoying a beautiful 15 mile walk.

I do love it when its cold snowy and sunny 🙂

After this walk I could of done with Geoff’s sauna to warm me up !

Winter Walking

Needless to say, my nice warm gloves and thermal top are now packed in my bag 🙂

A Taste of Christmas

A new recipe to try for Christmas 🙂

Christmas Muffins

10oz S/R Flour
1 teasp baking powder
1/2 teasp of bicarb
3oz white sugar

1 egg
8 fl oz milk
12oz mincemeat
3 fl oz vegetable oil
3oz sultanas

mixed spice

pre heat oven to 200

Sift together flour, baking powder and bicarb then stir in sugar and spices

in another bowl beat egg, stir in oil, milk and mincemeat

pour wet ingredients into dry and stir until combined adding sultanas during final strokes.

bake for 20 mins  then sieve icing sugar over tops.

They look and smell delicious 🙂 But have not tasted one yet !


A Stroll in the woods

Yesterday I took myself off to Brandon Country Park

Where I met up with my friend T and Millie the dog 🙂

We went for a nice 11 mile walk , the time just flew by as we chatted for the whole 11 miles

Looks like we met up just in time, as the snow is coming 🙁

A stroll in the woods

Finishing Touches

I have just finished painting my Kitchen/Dinning room and have fallen madly in love with the colour.

Lemon Tropics !

I now want to paint my whole house in Lemon Tropics including my newly painted bathroom.

All I need to finish the kitchen off is a nice Red roller blind

Which will match the red rug, toaster and kettle 🙂

Its now a very Happy cheerful room !