Category Archives: Personal

High Tower Walk

Today we joined the Beijing hikers for a walk.

Due to the very heavy rain only 7 out of the expected 19 turned up for this walk.

The walking route also had to be changed due to the very heavy rain.

Sure you get the message ….. It was raining very heavy.

But what else would we do on such a foul day 🙂

It was a 2 hour drive to the starting point.

Then it was a long climb up to what they said was the highest point of the wall called The High Tower at a height of 1440 m

Where we took some misty photos and had a quick lunch before starting the long slippery decent.

A total of 9 miles in 5 hours.

By the time we reached the bottom the sun was out and we were beginning to dry out.

So we enjoyed our beer and nibbles in the sunshine.

Then this evening we tried our first chinese massage .

Geoff was brave and had the calf massage but I heard the cries of pain 🙂

I had the back massage and also cried in pain

At one point he straddled me and i thought he was going to break my back as it cracked under the pressure.

But funnily enough it also felt good.

Luckily we escaped the cupping but part of me would have liked to have experienced it

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The Great Wall

Today we had our first taste of the Great Wall

We hiked from Jinshanling to Simatai

Some of the Simatai wall is closed for the next 2 years for renovation work

So we could only walk 22 towers and not the usual 30

When we woke I was so upset to see it was raining heavy but luckily for us it did not spoil the walk, just some of the views

It was a long day over 6 hours in a mini bus for 3 hours walking

But the wall is amazing

Tomorrow we have a very early start as we are walking with the Beijing hikers , it will be a very challenging walk for us 🙂

More heat

Arrived here in Beijing around midnight.

To find it’s almost as hot as Dubai which we did not expect

We are at downtown backpackers for the next 4 nights.

Hopefully we shall be walking along the wall on Friday 🙂

I have had my first cup of tea in china, I choose Jasmine.

It’s now 1.30 am here so time for bed.

BTW facebook or twitter don’t seem to work here 🙁 and you cannot seem to up load photos either 🙁

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View from the top

Today we entered the world record books and went (nearly) to the top of Burj Khalifa.

The highest building in the world.

It took 6 years to build has over 200 floors and 57 lifts.

Our journey only took us to the 124 th floor but we experienced fabulous 360 degree sweeping views.

Our only disappointment ……. Not being able to walk up the stairs.

Apparently it takes an hour to walk to the 124 th floor

Tomorrow we leave the 100 deg heat of Dubai and continue on our journey to Beijing 🙂

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The Souks

Today we ventured out in 100 deg heat.

We went over to old Dubai to visit the Spice and Gold souk.

First we had to cross the creek on an Abra, which at least caused some breeze 🙂

The spice souk was very colourful, I was looking for saffron but was very tempted with the wonderful smelling vanilla .

In the end I settled for 2g of saffron, which Geoff bought me , and I will have to wait till Christmas before I can use any.

We also bought some crystal Alum to try ,which is a natural deodorant.

Now the gold souk was amazing,shop after shop filled with gold jewellery,the amazing thing was all the shops were
packed with people .

The earrings took my eye especially the ruby ones but at almost £500 I decided to give them a miss.

After 6 hours in that heat we cooled down in the pool 🙂

Before ending the day with a swim in the sea , the warmest sea I have ever swam in, while watching the sun set.

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The adventure begins

Now sat in heathrow airport having what could be my last lovely cappuccino for a month.

We board in an hour and I cannot tell you how excited I feel.
Also feeling a little sad that I won’t see my boys for a whole month , it’s the longest we will have ever been apart.

On route to Beijing we are having 3 days in Dubai so this time tomorrow I will be enjoying the pool and heat .

Then next on the list is our walk with the Beijing hikers 🙂

When packing I realised all the kit I have with me is from Rohan , even my jeans , all good travelling clothes, I hope 🙂

BTW for any one interested the small package in my previous post is a 20 L day Ruc sac great for travelling with.

Although I may need another bag to bring all my souvenirs home especially as Matthew has requested a terracotta army 🙂

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This we might give a miss :-)

I was reading about Mt Haushan in china and thought wow 🙂

So added it to my list of places to go/see/do/walk.

Then last night I came across The Mt Haushan hiking trail

I think we might give this one a miss 🙁

But there is a cable car to the top, so no need to miss out altogether 🙂

The YouTube Videos are fantastic.. if only i was brave enough !

Mt. Huashan Plank Path

Packing Light

Time to think about packing for china.

As we plan to travel light it wont take long.

Clothes wise it will be walking trousers, skirt, a few T-shirts and some sandles.

Jogging bottoms, 2 pairs of undies , 2 bras and walking socks.

A warm top and Rain jacket.

Wash kit is just a bar of soap , tooth paste , tooth brush and a quick drying towel.

Then there will be my camera, GPS, i phone and chargers.

Plus a few other bits and bobs.

All packed into my Osprey Kestrel 48 ruc-sac

Wonder if you can guess whats in the small package on the photo….

Its a great bit of kit , I got Geoff one for his birthday and hes used it everyday 🙂