Category Archives: Personal

Now I can think about packing !

Because I have finally finished knitting my first sock.

Although I must confess that I seem to have done the casting off too tight , so it wont stretch over my foot 🙁

Sure it can be sorted , but maybe not before I go to China.

When I return I shall look forward to knitting the other sock to make a pair 🙂


Recently I have had work done in my Kitchen and Bathroom 🙂

All that is left to do is the painting

Trying to decide on a colour is a nightmare and something I am not used too.

All my married life it was magnolia or magnolia 🙂

Geoff insists I should just paint everywhere white but I find that so cold looking.

So far these are the choices for the kitchen, soft peach, wellbeing, and Lemon tropics.

Lemon tropics is the favourite 🙂

The choices for the bathroom are perfectly taupe, soft peach and soft truffle.

Soft truffle is the favourite, even though it would be dark , it means it would be warm.

What are your favourite colours ???

A 20 Miler

Yesterday was our last walking day before we go off to China.

We really wanted some hills to climb but as none were available we decided to make it a long one.

It was the most perfect September day for walking

So we walked along the fen Rivers way from Cambridge to Ely,thinking one day it might be fun to walk all the way from Cambridge to Kings Lynn

Once in Ely we had tea and scones at Peacocks Tea rooms

Then we caught the train to Waterbeach and from there we walked back into Cambridge.

Making it a grand total of 20 miles 🙂

Amazingly my feet did not ache at all so maybe these new boots suit my feet.

Another week and we shall have some hills to walk along, on the Great Wall of China

Witches Stones

If you remember back in July I walked with my Friend T.

Now she has led her walk for the Newmarket Ramblers I can tell you the story behind the Stones !

They are the Witches stones supposedly put there because a witch has to count the stones before she enters the house.

With all these additional stones to count it is day break before she has finished so she cannot enter 🙂

The walk was a great success for T and I am glad to say no snakes were seen.

As when I walked it out with her again just last week she missed stepping on a grass snake by a cats whisker.

More goodies

Today my massage client brought me 2 lovely gifts .

Home made Damson gin and a home made lavender bag using lavender from her garden.

Last week my massage client brought me shallots to pickle and freshly dug potatoes perfect for baking.

The shallots are now in my shed drying out ready for when I return from china .

I am lucky to have such lovely massage clients 🙂

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Bank Holiday

Usually Bank holidays are just another day for us , we never bother to do anything special as everyone else does !

This Bank holiday though , as Geoff had all his family with him, and that’s a rare occurrence, we decided we should all do something.

So much to my delight it was suggested that we went Punting on the River Cam.

We had to have one of the large punts because 6 adults and 2 children would just not fit into a normal size punt .

It was so lovely to go along the Backs as its called and see all 7 of the colleges from the river.

I especially liked all the bridges 🙂

A great way to spend a few lovely hours, such a shame that my boys were not with us too as they would have loved it but there is always next year 🙂

12 Day’s

That’s how many days it is till I fly out to Beijing with Geoff.

I will be staying for 4 whole weeks, Geoff will be doing Nepal, Tibet and India before returning home on 17th December.

Busy making lists at the moment of all the things we would like to do and see.

Xian is on the list to see the Terracotta Warriors and Mt Huashan looks interesting 🙂

Guilin looks another interesting place with the Li River to trek along.

First though we shall be walking with the Beijing Hikers a walking Group I stumbled on while perusing the Internet.

They do an organized walk every Saturday Sunday and Wednesday so we have booked ourselves on this walk for 18th September

Of course we also plan to walk some of the Great Wall too along with trips to a Pearl factory and Silk factory.

Its going to be an amazing 4 weeks 🙂