We all have a day in the week that we dislike, for most people its the Monday blues but for me its  Wednesday or Hump day, that I struggle with.
Then early this year I joined the Ladybird running club which meets on a Wednesday evening and it changed everything.
I love Wednesdays now and spend all day knowing that I shall be going out for a run with a great bunch of Girls 🙂
Today the cold, windy, wet, winter like weather had made me feel especially miserable but once I got out running all was forgotten and I came home feeling happy and full of the joys of spring 🙂
The runs are in many places that I have never been so I am collecting a few new running routes too, tonight we were at West Lynn and almost 6 miles of road running was achieved.
Now its all down hill to the weekend 🙂
ps Thursdays is one of my favourite days this could be as I am still high from running on wednesday nights 🙂