Skiing in Les Gets

I have been very lucky to have a weeks skiing in Les Gets every January since 2007.

Les GetsThe first year I went I could barely stand up on ski’s, so it still amazes me that I mastered the art of skiing especially as it scares me to death !!

The big debate this year was wether I would wear a helmet and just to please everyone and stop the nagging I did wear one !!  

Unlike other years I had no bright sunny days,so the light was very flat which I found difficult to get used too but I enjoyed the blue and red runs and came home with no broken bones 🙂

After a week’s skiing I always come home thinking if I can ski then I can do anything !!!

An early season…

Every year I enjoy making Geoff his supply of Marmalade for the year.

IMG_1157This year I thought it was going to be a struggle, because between now and April 8th Geoff will only be in Cambridge for 1 day and the last thing I wanted to be doing on that day was making Marmalade.

Lucky for me or maybe lucky for Geoff, Seville Oranges are having a very early season, as we found out when we accidentally came across some in the Radmore Farm Shop.

So on Monday I spent a very happy 5 hours making 28 Jars of Marmalade.

It tastes so good that I may attempt to make another batch, later in the month, here at home on my electric hob, which should be very interesting…..

2013… what a Year !!

I ended 2013 with a very windy Ely 10km run.. no P/B today but was pleased with my time considering the conditions and the amount of exercise I had done in the past 4 days , which consisted of  a 5 mile run, 52 mile bike ride , 27 mile bike ride then 6 mile run today 🙂

IMG_11452013 has been a great year for me, I took on an extra contracted shift at Tesco doing a job that I actually enjoy and after much nagging I am getting more training too !

My little massage business continues to grow and gives me great pleasure 🙂

Joining the ladybird running club has changed my life and led me to parkrun and to Road biking with SWNC, where I have made some lovely like minded friends, and finally after all these years I feel that Kings Lynn is becoming home 🙂

Since August 2013 I have been logging my run and rides on strava and have done 1164 miles on my bike and 225 miles of running…..  in 2014 I think I will log my longer walks on dailymile just so I can see how many miles I walk, fitbit logs my day to day walking which adds up to quite a lot too

I have lots planned for 2014 including the wiggle no excuses 80 mile sportive ride, the GEAR 10km, the LDWA Daffodil dawdle 26 mile walk, the 100 mile Sandringham ride and maybe a half marathon in October and who knows what adventure I will get up to with Geoff…  !!

Tomorrow we start the New Year walking with CRC…

Run up to Christmas..

As you can see from my header, we had a great, fun, Christmas parkrun.  What really made my day though was discovering an e-mail offering me a place in the Ely 10k on New Years eve 🙂

Geoff and I then went off to have a fabulous 3 nights at The Ship in Dunwich, a truly excellent place to stay if you enjoy the coast in winter.

We managed 2 great walks avoiding all rain,although plenty of the footpaths were flooded and foot bridges had been washed away in places !!

We arrived back in Cambridge today after stopping at the Emmerdale Farm shop, in Suffolk, where we managed to buy everything needed for our Christmas day feast, no queues no hassle no fuss !!

I then had time to pop into Advance Performance for a new pair of running shoes, where I am always impressed with the advice and knowledge they offer.

IMG_1129It was nice and quiet in the shop today so they had plenty time just for me…… it seems my lower back/hip ache is caused because I swing my hips when I run instead of lifting my knees !!

Apart from the fact that my shoes were totally knackered they had been a very good fit.

So after trying on a few shoes, including a lovely pair of ladies, purple Mizuno,  which just didn’t feel quite right I opted for yet another pair of men’s Saucony, in a boring blue !!

I was also advised to change my running shoes after 500 miles or a year depending on what comes first..

Now lets see if I can end the year with a P/B when I do my Ely 10km

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas   x x

A great Christmas gift to myself….

As well as being fanatical about parkrun and the ladybirds my other obsession is my bike and SWNC.

I was really disappointed when I dithered and did not manage to get a place in the Ely 10k on New Year’s Eve.

wiggleSo tonight when I saw more places had become available for the Wiggle No Excuses Sportive I didn’t hesitate and booked myself a place.

Now I know I need new clothes especially some black trousers but the thought of riding 80 miles with over 25 of my new biking friends seemed far more exciting than buying clothes !!

A great Christmas gift to myself…

Chrsitmas fancy dress parkrun

Before Geoff  goes off on his travels again I am so looking forward to spending some time with him over Christmas and the new Year.

We are booked to go and stay at The ship in Dunwich for a few days right before Christmas, its very exciting as I love being near the sea in winter time and have always wanted to stay here.

1456742_670670809639250_511206697_nAlthough it did mean I was going to miss the Christmas King’s Lynn Parkrun Fancy Dress .

King’s Lynn Parkrun is something I have become to love,its fun and full of lovely friendly people whose company I enjoy,which helps me cope with the weekends while Geoff is away travelling…

But Geoff has saved the Day by changing our booking so now we can go after Parkrun and stay till Christmas Eve…

Not that I am becoming Fanatical about parkrun !!

Better late than never !

Finally today I have baked our Christmas cake, something I love to do every year, I enjoy trying out a different Christmas cake recipe each year, I even made one last year and took it in my luggage to Les Gets

photo (22)This year though I seem to have lost my MoJo for baking and cooking, something I thought you would never hear me say 🙁

I think there are two reasons for this…

With Geoff away travelling so much and the boys cooking for themselves and their girlfriends, its no fun cooking just for me so I suppose I have just got out of the habit 🙁

and then of course there is the cost and time.

So the most exciting thing I seem to make is soup as its quick easy and don’t cost a lot to make.

The cake recipe I have tried this year is a simple one, BE-RO Christmas Cake .

Hopefully my MoJo will have returned in time for cooking the Christmas Lunch,else it will be a Turkey sandwich and a bike ride 🙂

60 miles and a sausage roll

Yesterday I took 2 of my Girly friends on a 60 mile bike ride, as my navigation skills are rubbish it was quite an achievement for me and not something I have ever done when walking…

Screenshot 27:11:2013 22:43-5I did take a couple of wrong turns but soon realised, see if you can spot where in the photo !

I thought we would go to Walsingham Barns as I wanted to try out the sausage rolls with onion relish, I was not disappointed as they were delicious.  Although I was reminded how much I hate eating when exercising, as I felt sick most of the way home 🙁

One day I would love a Garmin Edge 800  then I could follow the route as I rode but thanks to the iphone app viewranger I can down load the routes as GPX files then follow them on my phone.

The only downside to this is the battery life, luckily we had made it to Great Massingham before my battery died and thankfully I know the way home from there.

A very enjoyable ride with great company too.