Panic buy

Tomorrow we fly off to Pisa to spend some time walking along the GEA.

Yesterday I had a panic and decided I did not want to walk in my shoes.

So today it was a trip to Cotswold to buy a pair of Scarpa gtx boots,
once again getting 15% discount with my Cambridge rambling club membership

Now I think I am ready to go and enjoy 🙂


2 years ago

Two years ago today I moved into my house and I love it more than ever 🙂

DSCF7323-001In the past year, just when I thought it was never going to happen, I got my job transfer,which has made a huge difference to my life.

I also joined the ladybird running club which has been great for me in many ways, finally I feel like I am getting to know some people,so life don’t feel quite so lonely.

My Garden is blossoming,and I enjoy pottering around in it too,something I thought I would never say.

It can be a huge struggle at times to pay the bills but if I had not moved it certainly would have been a lot harder now than it is !!

Wednesday night treat

feet treat No its not a bottle of wine or a gin and tonic !!

With all this running and walking its a treat for my feet, a soak in the body shop peppermint reviving foot soak and a scrub with peppermint pumice foot scrub.

The lady at the shop gave me a sample of the peppermint foot rescue cream too, its very very nice and is now on my list of things to buy, a never ending list I might add 🙁

Its a great treat after a wednesday evening run with the ladybirds !

A walk with the Legstretchers

As Sunday is my walking day I took myself off to Sheringham to walk with the Legstretcher Group.

This group meets on the 3rd Sunday of every month and is the only group to do local ish walks of more than 15 miles, because of this I can see us walking  with this group more often.

It was great to catch up with everyone and as expected the walk was beautiful it included a taste of the Weavers Way and the Coastal Path.

What I didn’t expect was the fantastic day long sun shine, it took me completely by surprise as it had been so winter like during the week.

I also used this walk to have a little experiment with my HRM, exercising in the different zones really interests me, not that I have managed to work out my zones yet !!

When I run 10k in just over an hour  I burn  834 calories and my avg heart rate is 159

Yesterday I walked 17 miles in around 6.5 hours I burnt 1656 calories and my avg heart rate was 92

So by cross training I must be working in 2 different zones, which must be helping to build up my stamina and burn fat too…….. well I hope it is 🙂 🙂

Hopefully Geoff will let me run with his nice new HRM and his special iphone app, once he returns from walking the Southern Upland Way and then I will know what my zones are…….

All photos can be seen here.

Chocolate brownies and a run

Every now and again I meet up with my friend  Gina from Norwich it usually means a lot of chatting Chocolate Browniesand some exercise, the last time we met it was for the Daffodil Dawdle Challenge walk in March.

Today Gina visited me at home so we could go and run my new favourite 10k route around the Church Ruins at Bawsey. Luckily for us the weather was kind and the wind and rain stayed away.

It was a great opportunity for me to cook lunch for us too, we had Chicken Chilli and Sweetcorn soup and the most amazing chocolate brownies that have not lasted the day 🙁  Both recipes came from another friend of mine Yvette, who we visited at Easter.

As Gina was unable to join us for our Wherryman’s way walk maybe our next meet up should be to walk the Boudicca way a 36 mile walk from Norwich to Diss.

Hump Day

We all have a day in the week that we dislike, for most people its the Monday blues but for me its  Wednesday or Hump day, that I struggle with.

Screenshot 15:05:2013 23:05Then early this year I joined the Ladybird running club which meets on a Wednesday evening and it changed everything.

I love Wednesdays now and spend all day knowing that I shall be going out for a run with a great bunch of Girls 🙂

Today the cold, windy, wet, winter like weather had made me feel especially miserable but once I got out running all was forgotten and I came home feeling happy and full of the joys of spring 🙂

The runs are in many places that I have never been so I am collecting a few new running routes too, tonight we were at West Lynn and almost 6 miles of road running was achieved.

Now its all down hill to the weekend 🙂

ps Thursdays is one of my favourite days this could be as I am still high from running on wednesday nights 🙂



Park Run

I have known about the Park Runs for some time now,having a special interest in the Kings Lynn park run and the Cambridge park run.

Parkrun-logoThe problem is they involve doing 2 things I dont really enjoy, early morning running and a 3 lap route, but I knew when the time was right I would eventually do one.

So I set my alarm for 7.30am on Saturday and have to confess I did wonder what I was letting myself in for but I need not have worried as it was fabulous, fun and friendly,amazingly I knew quite a few of the runners too 🙂

All the time I was running I kept thinking how much harder it was running at 9am, then when I finished and got my time I realised it might have been harder as it was my best 5k time at 29.11, a time that I think will be hard for me to better!

I was very impressed with the organisation of the Kings Lynn parkrun and how quickly the results went up on the web site, its all run by volunteers and is totally free too.

Its going to be a while before I have the chance to do another parkrun but I will be back !!

GEAR 10k Run

What a difference a year makes, last year it  was cold and dull for the GEAR 10k Run, I ran with an injury and it was hard, this year it was sunny and hot, I had no injury and I loved it 🙂

Almost finished

1700 runners took part and the atmosphere was brilliant,crowds of people lined the streets cheering you on at every corner.

Geoff was also there to support me, which really made my day and he took some great photos.

There was a time last year when I thought my Achilles would never get better and I would never run again but eventually around Christmas time I started back with some gentle runs.

Then I joined The Lynnsport Ladybirds running club,at first I found it hard especially as I was used to running on my own,but I soon settled in and for the first time ever I started to meet people from around Kings Lynn.

I was soon back up to running 6 miles but was very paranoid about my Achilles, it does ache at times but thankfully I have learnt to rest it between runs and the aching soon goes away.

This run was amazing for me, I am so happy to be back running, I want to run longer distance but must confess that I am scared I may upset my Achilles again and I dont want any more injuries!

So for now I will try the Park Run, the Race for Life in July, and the Sandringham Xk in September

and if anyone has any tips on how to strengthen my Achilles then please let me know 🙂