Changing my attitude !!

This evening I finally did something that I have been wanting to do since I moved house 18 months ago… I went running with the Lynnsport Ladybird running club

What had been stopping me from going was my attitude, as I believe in giving everything 100% commitment so if i cannot do something every week then I dont go 🙁

Running clubObviously with the hours I work and my commitment to my massage clients it means I cannot commit to social events on a regular basis so then I miss out !!

Just before Christmas one of my lovely elderly massage clients gave me a stern talking too and basically told me that I had to change my attitude she told me people would not think badly of me if I didn’t turn up every week especially when they knew how hard I worked.

So I have been mulling this over in my mind for quite a few weeks now.

Then on Twitter I discovered another running group that meets up In Kings Lynn on a Tuesday evening and Sunday morning, well I thought if i joined both groups I would have double the chance of getting out !

So with a change of attitude I found myself at Lynnsport tonight meeting up with the ladybirds, they did remember me from the past when I did the beginners running course, who they wouldn’t let me run with tonight, so I picked the 3 mile group and went off with them.

Apart from having a very nasty fall 🙁 it was great to do something sociable, I paid my yearly membership and of course they understood completely when I told them that i might not make it every week 🙂

and when i see my massage client tomorrow she is going to be well pleased !!!

Having Fun !

Finally after being here 4 days I felt well enough to ski.. and the sun came out to celebrate too 🙂

mont chery Its my 7th season here, which I can hardly believe, its also colder than I have ever known it be before…

Today for the first time I went off skiing by myself and had a lovely time doing my favourite blue runs over on the Chavannes.

Tomorrow we have guests coming for the next week, I am so looking forward to going skiing with them on the lovely blue/red runs which i enjoy so much but Geoff wont do on a snowboard.

I am sure they will teach me lots too and as usual it will be hard to leave and go home but I still have another 4 days to enjoy 🙂

Taking a break

I am sat drinking a nice cappuccino in the Starbucks at stansted airport , after what has been an awful week for me.

20130112-134947.jpgFor the first time in well over 6 years I have been properly ill 🙁

I expect working on the checkouts and handling all that money brings me into contact with more germs than is healthy !

Stress has probably played a part in my illness too but now I am off to the mountains to ski,rest,relax and forget about everything for 10 whole days.

Then it’s home to plan for the rest of the year 🙂

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New year New recipe

I love cooking/baking and have wanted to make a Risotto for many months.

Its not something the boys wanted to try and with Geoff having been away, I had no one to make it for, BUT last weekend I finally had the opportunity to make one.

IMG_0563The Jamie Oliver basic Risotto recipe was the one that had been recommended to me, which is kind of funny as I dont really like his recipes, we have 2 of his books and they are the only ones that have never been used !

Anyway I liked this recipe, it had a few ingredients, was easy to make and just needed a little patience with all the stirring 🙂


I love that you can make this basic recipe then add anything of your choice, this time we had mushrooms, but I cannot wait to make it with the broad beans that I have growing in my garden.

Its tasted fantastic and will become a favourite recipe I am sure 🙂


A very weird gift !

At the weekend I received a very weird gift, from a fisherman and fellow rambler.

A pot of worms !!

wormscan you guess what I had to do with them ??


Lucky me !

christmas gifts 20121Santa was very kind to me at Christmas, not only did I have 4 fabulous days skiing out in Les Gets but I also received some fabulous gifts, all of which I love !

As well as the above I now have The Killing part 2 to watch and an Acupuncture treatment booked for next week, which I hope will help my Sciatica.

Happy New Year

Apart from all the lovely walking which I do with Geoff, the highlight of 2012 for me was finally getting my Job transfer, not only can I now walk to work but I have a new job on the checkouts which I love 🙂

The low was not getting to do another massage course but its high on my list for 2013.

I also would like to master sock knitting so to start 2013 off I have enrolled in a class at Craftsy which was on offer at half price.

Soon I have 10 days skiing out in Les Gets with Geoff, not sure what walking we shall be doing in 2013 but what ever we do it will be fun.