Andrew has a Job !

Its been a long 10 months since my son lost his job…. but we or should I say I have struggled through the best I can 🙂

Getting my job transfer with Tesco has made a huge difference to my life… better than I could ever have imagined.

Now thanks to the Job Centre and the governments apprentice scheme, Andrew, after having to work for a month with no pay seems to have himself a kitchen apprenticeship at the Sandboy Pub in Bawsey .

He could never have done this with out the help of the job centre and the owner of the pub and I felt I just had to blog about it, to let everyone know that the Job Centres can get it right, its not always bad news..

Hopefully Andrews run of bad luck is over and I may finally get weekly board money 🙂

Peter Scott Walk

Yesterday I had a plan to walk the Peter Scott Walk but when I woke nice and early, only to find out it was raining, I went back to bed in disgust 🙁

I finally got out of bed 3 hours later and it seemed a little brighter and for once the saying “rain before 7 gone by 11 ” was true.

So 3 hours later than I intended I set off to walk some of the Peter Scott walk, in March 2007 this was the walk of the month in the Telegraph 

Luckily for me I can do this straight from my front door 🙂

First part of the walk was from home into Kings lynn where I then caught the little ferry over to West lynn, the ferry runs every 20 mins from 7am till 6pm and costs £1.50 for a return ticket

As I set off late I was not sure I had time to walk all the way to Sutton Bridge so I decided that I would just do part of the walk.

Its a huge wide open green walk right down the wash, very peaceful, which was lovely after the hectic, hustle and bustle of work.

Not a human being was seen but there was plenty of birds and boats, an owl and what might have been a peregrine followed me for quite a while !

I will certainly be going back to complete this walk, hopefully on a nice frosty morning 🙂 and next time I will finish at the light house and catch the 505 bus back to Kings Lynn.

All photos can be seen here


Ready for collection

In a passing comment to my Dad it was mentioned that I would like a bird table for my garden

I was told not to rush out and buy one !

This week I found out why, he has been busy giving an old Bird table a make over, and its now ready for me to collect.

It has a felt roof and has all been water proofed, it will just need nailing to one of my fence posts.


I have a feeling the squirrels may like it more than the birds, but I wont mind 🙂

Bulk buying

I am always looking for ways to save a £1 or £2 and often look round to see if anyone can pick me up a bargain at Bookers cash and carry.

This week I suddenly realised I actually have my own Business and should be able to get my own bookers card.

So I paid them a visit yesterday to inquire about getting a card, they gave me a form to fill out and just wanted my business card as ID.


I returned today with all the information needed and now have my own bookers card 🙂

First purchase was a sack of t-bags, other good buys will be loo rolls, butter and washing powder.

Once I have done my maths there could be other bargains to get too, especially with their special offers.


Economical Heating !!

At this time of year a long with 100’s of other people I worry about how I will pay my Electric/Gas bill.

Things are certainly better now I have moved on from those ghastly night storage heaters to Gas central heating.

After spending years being in a freezing house I want to feel comfortable but not be wasting money.

The problem is that everyone one has different ideas on the most economical way to use gas central heating.

Some say put it on timer a few hours in morning then a few hours at night… the problem here is the house temp drops to below 12c and it takes all night to warm the house.

Other say put the heating on and control it with the thermostat , keep it at 15 durring the night and durring the day when out, then turn up to 18 in the evening , this way the house warms up quickly and never feels too cold.

Now I wonder which is the most economical way ?????






New Boots !

As I have been very unhappy with my last pair of £120 Scarpa boots, I decided that I had nothing to loose by trying out the Aldi £20 walking boots!

I was at Aldi an hour after it opened and I was lucky to get boots as they were selling so fast, hopefully that is a good sign 🙂

They feel comfortable enough around the house but we wont know how comfortable till I do a long walk in them!

I even managed to get a pair for Geoff too, who will need a new pair of boots after he returns from tramping round New Zealand.

Ruined Church of St James Bawsey

Today I took myself off on a walk, following a route that I had never taken before 🙂

I was able to do it with the help of ViewRanger and open street maps, using my iphone.

The walk had a dice with death start, as I had to cross the very busy A149 at the hospital roundabout, but I survived !!

My route then took me up to the Ruined Church of St James Bawsey.

Through a pig farm, where the pigs paid an unhealthy interest in me 🙁

I then had to cross the A149 again making my way to Refley woods

ViewRanger then made it easy to find my way through the woods to Gaywood river, where I picked up the cycle path and walked home 🙂

A nice little walk, I really like knowing where I am all the time, which makes reading the Map easier, down side is the battery on the iphone soon runs down 🙁


Less clutter

I was very lucky to get an Apple tv for my birthday from Geoff…

It now means I never need to buy a DVD again and can watch everything through iTunes, on my TV.

So from now on all my books will be on my Kindle, all my music on my ipod and all my films will be in iTunes.

Unfortunately my mac book, although only bought in 2008, is too old to use the mirroring facility on the Apple tv which was a huge disappointment and another reason to save for an ipad !

Luckily I can use iPlayer Automator to download itv programmes into iTunes.

All these gadgets mean LESS CLUTER !

Ironically another gift was a music c/d for when I use my cross trainer, which has now been copied to iTunes and put onto my ipod.