More change !

Finally after waiting well over a year and thanks to having a new store manager, who listend to me, I have my job transfer with Tesco.

I leave the Downham Market store tomorrow and start at Gaywood store on Wednesday, for the first time ever in my life I can walk to work and it shall only take me 15 mins.

I had expected to be working till 10pm but my hours are going to be 10am till 4.30pm, on a wed, thurs and friday Just about as perfect as you can get ! although I have always worked early mornings so I expect its going to take me a while to get into a routine.

I am not 100% certain what I shall be doing BUT as you can imagine I am very very happy to finally have my transfer 🙂


A lovely Surprise

Today I received the most beautiful box of chocolates that I have ever seen.

They were a thank you gift from “Stella” a lady who lives in  Cambridge.

I found her bag lying in the street and managed to return it to her, along with all her belongings.

I was just happy to know she had her bag back safe, as I know how distraught I would be to loose my purse.

The chocolates were a lovely surprise….


Jubilee Cake

At the weekend I had 2 little helpers to help make our Jubilee cake.

I decided to keep it nice and simple, 3 sponges red white and blue, put together with jam and a Philadelphia cheese and icing sugar topping, like what you use on a carrot cake.

Then we decorated it with rice paper flags and a home made flag 🙂








But can you spot the mistake I made ????

Luckily this did not stop it from tasting delish !

Vegetable Garden

When Geoff dug up some of my lawn to make a small Vegetable plot , I really did worry about how I would find the time to grow vegetables 🙁

Little did I know that my son Andrew would enjoy doing it so much, unlike me he enjoys growing from seeds and loves waiting for the plants to pop their heads through the soil

We are just experimenting this year and have lettuce, onions, potatoes, runner beans and peppers in the garden,


Carrot beetroot and leek seeds have all been planted too, and I really want some courgette plants as I could eat these every day 🙂

Its lovely walking through the garden gate and seeing the plants growing day by day, and I  just love to potter in the Garden !



A bit of Excitement !

I am not having much luck with the book I am trying to read at the moment, once again I am finding it hard to concentrate long enough to read.

Its been so long since I started the book and I have read so little of it, that  I decided to put it back on my book shelf for another time.

A friend at work told me I needed an exciting book, and she could recommend just the book…….







As they are on offer at work I bought all three.

BUT I wont be starting them just yet as I am going to Pilates tonight 🙂

Front garden

What a difference a year makes…..

One year ago my front garden looked a mess….








I never thought I would be able to get it looking nice, but after laying turf ,planting some shrubs and some general TLC  it now looks like this….







Cannot wait to see what it looks like next year 🙂

A year ago today !

Sally at her new houseA year ago today we moved into our new house that quickly became a home that I love so much.

Some times its a bit of a struggle and worry about how I will pay the bills but so far I have managed.

Andrew is still out of work , its been almost 6 months now and that also causes me stress 🙁

BUT moving house was the best thing I ever did and I am happier and more content here than anywhere else that I have lived.

Thanks to Geoff and all his help, the garden is coming along nicely, its great to potter in the garden, see the changes and watch the plants grow.

Andrew is doing a great job with the vegetable plot too 🙂

All that I need now is my work transfer….. surely it must come soon !

Me time !

After listening to a few of my friends I decided that I should be looking after myself a little better.

Its ok doing all this work but I should have a treat now and then instead of putting all the money away for bills that I worry about ALL the time.

Something I have wanted to do for along time now is go to a Pilates class , I have found a class that looks suitable for me and I should be starting soon 🙂

I also booked myself in for some Acupuncture and Shiatsu massage with Karen Merritt  I really enjoyed the treatment, felt totally relaxed afterwards and my aching legs and bum are feeling much much better.

Karen treated me previously, with acupuncture, for the night sweats I was getting and amazingly it stopped them 🙂

Tomorrow I am having another Acupuncture  treatment with Charlotte from the Crystal Cave it will be interesting to see how my legs feel after this treatment.

I certainly hope to be back to my running next week and will continue to treat myself to a treatment every month.

My Hot stone massage seems to be what everyone wants so its great to trade skills 🙂