Introducing Herman !

Now I think a few people are going to be disappointed  because Herman is NOT a cat 🙁

Herman is The German Friendship Cake, a sourdough cake that sits on my worktop for 10 days while he bubbles away.

All I have to do is feed him and stir him, then on the 9th day I divide him into 4 and pass him onto 3 friends.

I keep the 4th portion and make him into a cake on the 10th day 🙂

Hopefully Herman will make a nice Cake !


Perseverance !

Finally after almost 2 years I have finished knitting my socks.

They fit perfect and I cannot wait to start the next pair, thats presuming after all this time I actually remember how to start them off 🙂

No matter how I try I just cannot get the hang of knitting and watching tv at the same time, I am told its just practice but I doubt that I will ever master it.

Instead I am going to try listening to an audio book or get back into the Archers as I am sure I could listen and knit 🙂

Hopefully my next pair wont take so long…..  but don’t place bets on it !

Swimming in a new pool

I am always looking for something new to do and I have been missing my swimming  so tonight I decided to treat myself  and go along to the Ladies only session at the St James Pool in Kings Lynn.

Its the first time I have been to this pool and Its great that I can walk there in around 20 mins 🙂

Its a 25 meter pool and I swam aprox 40 lengths so not quite a mile tonight , which I think is 66 lengths.

I also enjoyed a good 15 mins in the steam room so now feel warm and squeaky clean

It was great to swim as it puts no pressure on my sore legs, which are beginning to feel better at last 🙂

This is something I hope to do on a regular basis, its perfect to do on your own, just a shame its so expensive which does not encourage people to keep fit.

My next little treat I hope will be a ticket to see Men are from Mars women from Venus, one of my drop in massage clients was  the wife/partner of the man doing the show and she highly recommended it to me.

Surely I could go on my own,  enjoy it and not feel sad about being on my own ??




The Zahir

Thanks to my frequent trips to costa coffee, where I go so I can read without distractions, I have now finished my book The Zahir.

I am very pleased to be finished it, as I did not enjoy it all 🙁  I spent the entire time waiting for something exciting to happen . I thought it may happen in the last chapter but that was a huge disappointment too !

Due to a chance twitter from @sophiehannahCB1  I would really like to read Fifty Shades of Grey  but decided not to order it this time, because I have other books to read, including Hurting Distance by Sophie Hannah.

Although I think my next book for reading is going to be Marshmallows for breakfast by Dorothy Koomson  as I just loved her book The Ice Cream Girls 

Anyway I have plenty of time for reading at the moment so maybe I will get through all my stacked up books that are waiting to be read 🙂


Running/Walking and calories burnt

There always seems to be great discussions on wether you burn more calories walking or running.

Well I have done my own little experiment

I run 4 miles in 46 mins and burn 593 calories.

I walk 4 miles in 57 mins and burn 371 calories.

So I would have to walk around 6 or 7 miles to burn the same kind of calories that I do when running 4 miles  🙁

As usual its all about time !


Fingers Crossed !

Today I went to see a physiotherapist and apparently I have just niggled my achilles sleeve not the actual tendon, so after some ultra sound  and massage the advice was to rest it and stretch it.

Try a 4 mile run the week of the Gear race, see how I get on, then make my decision!

Resting it really means no walking either but that is imposible so we shall just have to wait and see how I get on, but at least its only a matter of time 🙂

Its most likely been caused by my over worked and exhausted Hamstring muscles, so I need to work on strengthening my Gluteal and Quadricep Muscles, as well as stretching my Hamstrings.

Maybe giving up yoga and the gym was not a good thing to do !

Interestingly the physiotherapist’s opinion on having a massage was that it would ease my muscles for a short time but not correct the problem.


The Norfolk Leg stretchers

Due to soaring diesel prices I almost didn’t go on a walk today, as the only decent walk would have meant an 80 mile round trip 🙁

Then I swallowed my pride and rang to see if I could get a lift and luckily for me the walk leader was only too happy to give me a lift 🙂

So this morning it was off to West Stow to walk with the Norfolk Leg stretchers, I knew most of the 8 other walkers and it was great to catch up with them, many of these walkers knew me when I was going through the very dark stage of my life, I am sure these walkers and the walks helped me get through this bad time 🙂

Nice to see that certain members also follow my blog too 🙂

After not having a good walk for the past few Sunday’s it was really good to get out and walk 16 miles, my achilles and hamstrings did ache a little but not enough to stop me from enjoying the walk.

Most of all it was great to catch up with people and I was very grateful for the lift 🙂



Goodies for my garden

We have been collecting a few plants and seeds for my garden.

If I am truthful I dont really know why I bought the seeds, I just dont have the patience to grow them and much prefer to see a plant in the garden .

Although this afternoon I discovered that Andrew enjoyed planting the plants and the seeds, he also took another huge bag of weeds from the soil and sowed some grass seed.

Now as usual its a waiting game !

We made a lovely discover underneath all the weed growth too, my Rhubarb plant has sprouted and survived being moved 🙂

I have a small selection of shrubs planted in the garden too, only small ones but hopefully it will be good to watch them grow , they include a Honeysuckle, a Climbing Rose, a Cotoneaster , a Viburnum and a Blackberry bush.