Testing out my Achilles

Having had  a week off running to rest my aching achilles, I am eager or should that be desperate to get out for a run, but I am also a little apprehensive just incase it aggravates it again 🙁

It certainly feels much better so fingers crossed , especially as my 10km GEAR run is getting closer.

I have bought myself a pair of Sorbothane shock stopper heel pads too,which hopefully will give my achilles some protection.


Just waiting for a break in the rain now 🙂



Garden Part 2

Its almost a year since I moved into my lovely house, for some reason my garden was full of concrete strips, Geoff  always said we would get rid of them BUT to me it looked a huge job.

Digging up the concrete started a good month ago and over the past few days Geoff has been finishing my garden for me 🙂

Its been very hard work and at least 4 ton of concrete had to be moved to Frimstone Quarry at Snettisham on what had to be the wettest day this year 🙁

We then collected sand and 14mm gravel ready for laying the Patio and path the following day, which was thankfully dry !

The third day was spent planting some shrubs, digging the vegetable plot, and moving the  rotary washing line from the middle of the garden.

I even have a compost bin now and will try to do a little more recycling, its something I have never really been into as it involves too much driving to take the stuff to the recycling centre, which in itself is not green !

Its looking fantastic and all thats left for me to do is plant some vegetables, seed the grass and generally look after my beautiful new Garden.

Now all I need is the sun to come back so I can enjoy it at its best 🙂

Another HUGE thanks to Geoff for all his help and hard work, next week he is off to walk the south west coast path and even though I will miss him tons I hope he has a fantastic time because he deserves too 🙂


For the past few months I have found every excuse I could think of to stop myself from signing up for a 10km run.

First it was the cost, then it was Geoff  would be away , then it was I would have no one to encourage me on the day and the list went on and on :-( and because of my dithering around I missed out on the 10km I originally wanted to do.

Then I realised if I didn’t act soon I was likely to miss out on the other 10km that I had my eye on, so I have now signed up for the GEAR 10km on May 6th.




This week I have also aggravated an old achilles problem 🙁 🙁  so there will be no running for me in the coming week !








The Ridgeway and 20 mile walks

When I met Geoff all I wanted to do was walk 20 miles with ease.

In the beginning I thought I would never be able to do it and thought I would have blisters and aches and pains forever 🙁

After trying many boots it seems I have finally found boots  that my feet like and blisters seem to be a thing of the past …

Our Little Ridgeway Ramble consisted of 5 walking days..

Lockeridge to Ogbourne St George 13 miles

Ogbourne St George to Court Hill Centre nr Wantage 18 miles

Court Hill centre to Wallingford 22 miles

Wallingford to Princes Risborough  23 miles

Princes Risborough to Ivinghoe Beacon 20 miles

I think I have finally achieved my dream of doing 20 mile walks, so a 26 mile walk is my next goal ohh and some Mountains in July and a 10km run in May

Although I will need some new walking boots before I spend 11 days walking along  the GR10






My Sweetie Tree

I arrived home today to find I had a very unusual Mothers day gift..

My very own sweetie tree

The tree is made from maltesers, the trunk is a stick of rock and the soil is chocolate covered rasins 🙂

How cool is that !!




Cambridge to Lockeridge

After having a fantastic walking weekend in Stratford on Avon with the Cambridge Rambling Club, it was time to set out for our next little walking trip.

So this morning we left Cambridge on the 10.30 train,making our way to Pewsey, with bargain priced train tickets of £8 and £12

Once we reached Pewsey we set of walking the 7 miles to Lockeridge where we are now settled into the Tafftrail B&B.

Earlier in the evening we had a lift into near by Marlborough so we could have a quick look round and grab a bite to eat.

We choose to walk the 4 miles back to the B&B taking us back through the foggy and dark country lanes calling in at the Outside Chance pub in Manton for coffee/beer.

Safe back at the B&B I took advantage of there being a bath and enjoyed a nice relaxing deep hot bath, setting me up for a good nights sleep before we start walking the Ridgeway tomorrow .

If today’s little taster of a walk is anything to go by it’s going to be a great 6 days 🙂
Pewsey to Lockeridge & Marlborough at EveryTrail

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Shakespeare and walking

Well all my massage clients are happy 🙂

My cake is baked and my packing is almost done !

So tomorrow after work I can escape for a nice walk.

First we are heading off to Stratford on Avon where we shall be visiting the Royal Shakespeare Theatre to see Twelfth Night, then we shall spend the weekend walking with The cambridge rambling club.


On Monday we head off to Marlborough to walk The Ridgeway, a nice 87 mile walk,this will keep fitbit very happy…… and me too !

While I am away I will not be calorie counting but will try to make good choices and not over eat just because I am walking.

Only 2 kg to target weight 🙂