The Sanctuary Spa in Cambridge.

On Saturday I finally had an appointment for my massage at the Sanctuary in Cambridge.

This was a valentines treat for me from Geoff and could not have come at a better time, I have been trying to fit too many things into my days and had been suffering from an annoying dull  headache all week 🙁

I arrived a good 30 mins early so I could relax in the Lavender room with a cup of herbal tea before my massage 🙂

I choose to have a deep tissue massage.

The massage itself was, for many reasons very interesting for me.

Firstly she massaged me using her forearms and fists which takes the strain off her hands/thumbs and  you get a deeper massage.

Secondly I was amazed at how bad my back and shoulders are, they are just full of huge knotts and of course these knotts could be the cause of my headaches. 🙁

Thirdly it confirmed to me that the next course I want to do is The Deep Tissue Massage.

A great gift from Geoff and although it was not very relaxing it was very enjoyable and taught me that I should practise what I preach !

( and NO I did not let on that I was a massage therapist )




The Fat Chance Guide to Dieting

 The Fat Chance Guide To Dieting is actually the title of a book that I have just finished reading, not a book that I would recommend to anyone, it was not heart stopping, exciting or thrilling but once started had to be read to the end.

I have a few books queued up ready for reading , but a few weeks ago Geoff and I sheltered from the rain in a second hand book shop where I did something quite out of character.

I picked up a book by a completely unknown author , to me anyway , read the back cover and felt I just had to read this book.

The book is by Paulo Coelho and called The Zahir   and I will let you know what I think once I have finished reading it.



Passion Cake

We have some friends that are getting married at the end of march, the reception is going to be a tea and cake affair , fitbit will not like that at all 🙂

Passion Cake

Obviously I offered to make a cake, it was suggested that I make my trademark muffins but I wanted to make something a little more special, so the search for a recipe began !

Then I remembered about a cake recipe that I had seen on a blog,that would be just perfect, but could I remember which blog… ! so the big search began and finally thanks to Geoff and google history I found the cake I wanted.

These friends came for dinner at my house last weekend so it was a perfect opportunity to try the recipe out, it was a huge hit, not only did it look beautiful but it tasted delicious too.

You have to admit a Passion Cake is just perfect for a wedding 🙂



I need more hours in a day !

I want to Read, Knit, Bake, Cook, Run, Walk, Massage, do my Housework, Blog watch a little TV, and soon I shall want to be Gardening too…..

There are just not enough hours in the day !

Although over the weekend I did manage to Run, Walk, Massage, Bake , Cook and do some Housework 🙂

Passion Cake

Five Minute Bread (part two)

First attemp

First Attemp

My first baking attempt was pretty good, although a little flat and it did stick to the linning paper, that did not stop it being eaten , but I felt there was room for improvement

I had another read of the book and decided it needed more “cloaking”, and that I should invest in a silicone non stick oven liner.

Second Attemp

When I took a walk to Aldi this evening I found just the oven liner I needed, so tonight I have had another go at baking my bread.

This time it did not sick or flatten too much and it actually looks like a rustic loaf.

I have a feeling I should have baked it a bit longer but its all trial and error till I get it perfect 🙂


Five Minute Bread (part one)

dough mix

Today I started the master recipe for my Artisan bread, its taken from the book Five Minute Bread , the revolutionary new baking method , no bread machine, no kneading.

Basically you mix 4 ingredients, pop it in the fridge,then shape bake and eat !

dough risen

My mixture is now in the fridge waiting for the next stage of shaping and baking tomorrow.

The master recipe is enough to make 4 x 1lb loaves and will keep in the fridge for up to 14 days.

It will be interesting to see the results 🙂


Pancake day 2012

We broke with tradition today and instead of the usual lemon and sugar pancakes, I made American style pancakes.

I made 2 different fillings, blueberry and peanut butter and banana.

They don’t look perfect but smell delicious ….


and now they sit on the kitchen table waiting for Matthew to  finish work 🙂

Fat free cake and calorie counting

Having cake without all the calories….is achievable if you know the right cakes to bake.

This week I have made a fat free, banana and sultana loaf, which contains 2,363 calories, so cut into 14 slices (66 grams) makes it 169 calories a slice.

Here is the recipe…

1lb of over ripe bananas (about 5)
2 beaten eggs
6oz brown sugar
4oz sultanas
8oz SR flour

mash bananas add eggs sugar and sultanas mix well then stir in flour . place in loaf tin and bake for 1 hour to 1hour 30 at gas mark 4 or 180

My food cupboards are also becoming a calorie counters dream, as I have been labelling all my containers with there calorie content.

All these small things make it quick and easy to see the calories in what I am eating 🙂

All this from someone who was so adamant that she would never count calories!