New Additions…

Two lovely new additions to my Beach hut collection……

First a beautiful Christmas Card , made especially for me ! Beach Huts at Old Hunstanton in the snow last year






Then I was offered a painting at a price I could not refuse, especially as it was by an Artist who did 2 of my other paintings , I also had the perfect spot for it, in my new home 🙂










Relaxing in the Sun..

Sally Gail and Louise

The sun has been wonderful and the skiing brilliant, today we managed 13 lifts and as many ski runs, enjoying the afternoon skiing with friends too.

Courgette Lasagne

In the evenings we have started watching Downton Abbey series 2 , which I missed when it was first shown on tv , as we were in Turkey …. and we are still fitting in a fitbit walk, I cannot wait to see what those scales say when I return home.

We are also enjoying some nice home cooked meals, its amazing what you can manage in a small kitchen with a small Rowenta oven.

Vegetable Crumble

Last night we had Courgette Lasagne and this evening it was vegetable crumble, both recipes came from the BBC Good Food site.

Tomorrow should be another great sunny day and we have plans to ski with more friends.

Oh and Geoff is benefiting for my massage skills 🙂



Waiting for the Sunshine

This will be my 6th year out in Les Gets skiing but even so I still get very anxious when we go out for the first run or two.

So this afternoon when we set off up Mont Chery I was worrying about wether I would remember how to ski, by the time we reached La Grande Ourse it was almost zero visability which didn’t help 🙁

After a Vin Chaud, its seemed the cloud had cleared a little so we decided to make our way down the mountain, I was slow and careful but the snow was good and I quite enjoyed it, so off we went back up, only to discover that the visability had deteriated even more…….

So we called it a day and hope the predicted sunshine arrives tomorrow 🙂

We then decided to go for a quick FitBit walk to burn some calories, which is a very addictive little gadget, it will be interesting to see what difference it makes to my weight over the next month or so.

To finish the evening off we met up with some friends for an apres ski drink at Barbylone and yes it was all in our calories allowence :-).

Anthony and Kay then returned home with us for some dinner, before they left we arranged to meet up later in the week for some skiing 🙂



A 30 day Challange

Tonight I had my last piece of cake for a while as I am going to start 2012 off with a small challange, for the next month at least I am not going to eat any cake…

last bit of cake for 30 days

As I love baking this could be difficult, but then again I can still bake then give it away to some lucky person 🙂

They do say it takes 30 days to break a habbit  and walking in Turkey certainly helped me break my addiction to bread,so it will be interesting to see how I get on with the Cake ban.

I most enjoy a piece of cake after our Sunday walks so I will have to find something else to replace the cake… maybe yoghurt as I love mullerlights but have stopped buying them as they are so expensive.

What would you have instead of cake  ????


First change of 2012 !

For the past few months I have been using bloglovin as my blog reader, on the whole I have really liked its lay out and its made blog reading really enjoyable,but it has one big draw back for me !

Its very hard and even impossible at times to follow the feed back to the orginal blog post, which makes it hard to leave comments. It seems to work on some feeds and not on others. So I have found myself not leaving as many comments around as I like too.

For this reason alone I have decided to go back to Google Reader, it will take a few days to set it all back up how I like it, but expect me around your blog soon and if I have negleted you with comments in the past few months, be warned, I will soon have that sorted !

Happy New Year

Hope your New Year got off to a good start, we started ours by doing something we love..  walking  !

A nice 15 mile walk with Cambridge Rambling Club, around Stow Cum Quy, in very mild weather conditions, infact it was hard to believe it was January 1st.

Celia provided us with a delish morning snack, of home made Stollen,something that I am going to try making this year.

My walking milage for 2011 is very aprox at around 900 miles and my running milage was aprox 100 miles ,this year I am going to try and keep a better record of my miles walked and ran, I aim to do more running 🙂

Wishing good things for us all in 2012 !

New Years Day walk with CRC at EveryTrail

Saving the best till last !

I really enjoyed doing all my baking and cooking over Christmas, especially when it was so enjoyed.

The dish I enjoyed making the most though, had to be The Christmas Pudding, Its something I have wanted to make for many years.

Thanks to my friend Caity, who made me aware of a Jamie Oliver recipe, that only needed 3 hours steaming,this year I had no excuse not to make that pudding !

A few people had wondered if it really would be a Christmas pudding with just 3 hours steaming but let me tell you… it was and the empty dishes told me it was ! not a crumb was left.

Luckily I had  some of the mixture left and have 3 small puddings here at home so I can have a second tasting 🙂

2012 baking challenge is going to be a bread one, using the book,Five Minute Bread but Santa didn’t know it was on my list so first I have to order the book 🙂

A little bit of Christmas

I had christmas dinner for 8, cooked and on the table for 2pm and thanks to Emily peeling the vegetables we even squeezed in a quick 5 mile walk too.

The christmas cake and pudding were truly delicious and even though I am not a vegetarian the Nut loaf was very tasty….

Cooking the Turkey was made easy by using a meat thermometer, I think every kitchen should have one as it makes doing a roast so much easier, you never over cook the meat, so you always get perfect results.

The Joulutorttu ended the day nicely, so we had a multicultural Christmas


Only 2 things missing were my boys 🙁

After 3 family days tomorrow is a day for us and we are off……..   walking 🙂