Christmas Baking..

Today I had time for my “fix” of Christmas baking..

24 Ginger biscuits, 12 mince pies and 12 Christmas muffins…


I even managed to get out for my run too 🙂


Then this evening we had all Geoff’s family round and  Steve cooked us a traditional Czech republic Christmas eve dinner, consisting of Carp and potato salad, our Carp was most definitely not alive though, so was easier to prepare !

Very nice it was too, there is little left of my baking so its a good job I have made cake and pudding for tomorrow 🙂

2009 a vintage year

This week I finally bottled my Sloe Gin, its been slowly maturing  since October 2010.

I also had some Raspberry vodka that needed bottling too !

Of course both needed sampling and they are thick sweet and syrupy 🙂

Now these bottles have been stored away and the Sloe Gin I made in 2009 has been bought out for Christmas.

I have been told to try Sloe Gin and champagne , its a bit like a Kir Royale.

Perfect for Christmas day !

Alas next year there will be a break in tradition as I never made any this year 🙁



If Only…

I was able too…

Take the week off work before Christmas, not to shop not to rest BUT to cook.

I dream of having time to bake all our lovely Christmas food , it takes time and money though , neither which I have !

I always make a Christmas cake and this year for the first time I am making a Christmas pudding, its steaming away at this moment.

Usually I am put off by the 8 hours steaming time, but my friend Caity told me about a Jamie Oliver Recipe that only takes 3 hours to steam.

Christmas eve I shall make Christmas muffins, Ginger biscuits and a Nut Loaf  while listening to the Carols from Kings College


Not quite sure when I will ice the cake !


Salt Lamps

Over the past few months I have developed an interest in Crystals, a bit of harmless fun for me and they look so nice too.

I have also discovered Salt Lamps,not sure I believe in their so called health benefits, but I do love the warm relaxing glow that they provide.

They are perfect for in your massage room as they create a calming environment 🙂

A Record Breaking Walk

Its amazing how many people turn out for a figure of eight walk, this mean they can drop out at lunch time but still get a good walk.

Today was a record turn out with 23 walkers, which included 4 new walkers, one of them being a lady I picked up in the pub on Friday 🙂

Its great that the new web site is starting to work and more walkers are finding out about the Cambridge Rambling Club.

Rita led us on a great walk around Wimpole Hall, 9 miles in the morning followed by 7 miles in the afternoon,the weather stayed dry and we even had a touch of sunshine in the afternoon.

So the 12 people that left us at lunch time, missed walking in the afternoon sun, well done to Cathryn , the only new walker that stayed the distance 🙂

Only 2 more walking Sunday’s till Christmas !

Wimpole Hall with Cambridge Rambling Club at EveryTrail