Desperate for a book to read during our last few days in Turkey and for the flight to Istanbul then home, I found myself in the airport book shop in Antalya.
There was not much choice but I was drawn to the “Wedding Girl ” by Sophie Kinsella.
“Young woman about to get married, all the usual stresses and strains but with a twist. She’s already married – to a gay American who wanted to stay in Britain. Somehow, she’s managed to forget to tell her future (real) husband and with only a couple of days to go, someone else tells on her.”
It had lots of twists and turns and I could not put it down…Â an excellent read and finished in a week which is a miracle for me 🙂
I went straight out and bought her newest book “A Desirable Residence”…Â but 2 weeks later and I am still trying to find time to start it !