Tag Archives: radio norfolk

A fun day on Radio Norfolk

I had  great fun yesterday on BBC Radio Norfolk Morning Show, talking about twitter, blogging and Face book.  image

I enjoyed meeting Lisa King a fellow Twitterer and face booker, who lives in Dereham.

If you missed it here is the iplayer play it again link …just fast forward to 2.10


Shame that Geoff was not able to listen to it, as I am sure he would have been proud of me 🙂

Tuning into Sally again !


If your at a loose end tomorrow lunch time, between midday and 1pm.

You might like to tune into The Graham and Karen show on Radio Norfolk.

Once again,I have been invited along to chat about Twitter, Face book and my blog 🙂

Another lady is also going to be joining them…. and  amazingly we happen to follow each other on twitter.

Should be a fun day 🙂