One thought on “moneysaving

  1. Martin

    Good plan, it’s a damn shame we have to disfigure the fronts of our houses with notices like that, but that’s the way of the world these days. Sadly I think you might still get these people or the religious groups knocking on the door.
    A good verbal tactic if the caller persists after you have said “No thank you” is to smile sweetly enquire politely “What part of the word NO do you need me to clarify?”

    It’s really difficult because if you let fly and tell unwanted callers to ‘go forth & multiply’ then chase them down the path, you’re vulnerable as they know where you live. So if they take umbrage and come by later to put a brick through your window or grafitti the walls, you have no defence and no chance of being able to identify who it was!


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