Introducing…… my new business web site 🙂

Finally I have decided that I shall build up my massage business under

It was a hard decision for me as everyone knows me as sallyinnorfolk but I feel the time is now right to keep business and pleasure separate.

The clients who I massage in their homes in Cambridge and Ely also found
it confusing and as  am trying to build up my business in many
different areas , I would hate prospective clients to be put off by the sallyinnorfolk title.

So new business cards have been sent for and slowly over the coming months I will use for my massage.

Although you will always find me @sallyinnorfolk too 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Introducing……

  1. Geoff

    James – lots of crossover I’m sure! but it makes sense not to have an area component in the name, especially for someone who travels as much as Sally :-).

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