Category Archives: Personal

A Low Fat cake

I am always on the look out for great low fat healthy recipes.

Recently I came across  Antony Worrall Thompson’s GI diet book.

As well as having some great healthy recipes there is also lots of imformation on the benifits of low GI eating.

Last week I made the Fruited tea bread, it was totally delish , although I think its better eaten a few days after making.

The recipe makes 2 loaves which was great for me, as I could take one to Cambridge and leave one here 🙂

For anyone wanting to try this recipe, it can be found  here

Another knitted cake

When I was knitting the Birthday cake, Isla looked through my book and decided that she would like the doughnut.

She was never going to let me forget about this !

So yesterday I knitted her the Doughnut and she was thrilled to pieces with it.

BUT it needs a friend 🙂

Better than Cath Kidston

Thanks to my friend Yvette I now have a fab new bag.

Yvette is a fantastic knitter and sewer, do go and have a look at her blog called andsewtoknit.

Yvette also has an Etsy shop where you can buy some of her lovely hand sewn bags.

We were great friends many many years ago then lost touch but last year they found me on face book and now I have seen them twice in 5 months 🙂

Seeing them again was a fantastic start to my holiday.

Another present was beautiful purple wool to knit a Just enough Ruffles scarf.

But before I can start the scarf I still have a sock to knit and a doughnut 🙂

Introducing…… my new business web site 🙂

Finally I have decided that I shall build up my massage business under

It was a hard decision for me as everyone knows me as sallyinnorfolk but I feel the time is now right to keep business and pleasure separate.

The clients who I massage in their homes in Cambridge and Ely also found
it confusing and as  am trying to build up my business in many
different areas , I would hate prospective clients to be put off by the sallyinnorfolk title.

So new business cards have been sent for and slowly over the coming months I will use for my massage.

Although you will always find me @sallyinnorfolk too 🙂

A fabulous last day

As today was my last skiing day, I was more interested in doing as many runs as possible, rather than trying to better my skiing technique  🙂

We had, had a light dusting of snow over night and now it was a lovely bright sunny day 🙂

So we started the day skiing with Ian, Graham and Elle over on the chevannes

After a great few hours we headed over to Mont Cherry to meet our other friends Anthony and Kay.

A few runs later we dropped into La Grande Ourse where we enjoyed a fabulous lunch.

We left in rather a hurry though when I suddenly realised the lift would be shutting in 15 mins and I so wanted to do a few more ski runs 🙂

It was a truly fabulous day spent with great people.

For the first time ever I have had really comfortable ski boots and much to my delight Thierry at Nevada sports made me an offer I could not refuse, so now I have my own ski boots all ready for next year 🙂

Skiing in Les Gets

Ski time !

As its now much colder here in Les Gets

The snow canons can be used, which has made it a little better for skiing

Also Anthony our friend from the uk has arrived in Les Gets.

So today we were out skiing

Although in some places the runs are still like sheets of ice 🙁

Which are very hard as I found out when I took a tumble !

But as I had my own personal ski instructor I learnt a lot today 🙂

Hopefully I will put it all into practice over the next 2 days

Now we just wait for the Arrival of Kay on Sunday 🙂

Aching Muscles

Have you started a new fitness regime for the new year?

Treat those aching muscles to a Massage to help in the recovery process.

Recover quicker, and improve performance with regular Massage.

Book your massage with me here in Norfolk


Wee sally if near Bathgate in West Lothian, Scotland