Category Archives: Personal

Snow shoe walking

As I am reluctant to spent 28 euro’s on a 4 hour lift pass, to ski on Ice , which I just don’t enjoy 🙁

We decided today we would go snow shoe walking instead, something I really do enjoy 🙂

Our plan was to walk up to La Rosset’taz , our favorite place for a chocolate chaud

It was a 3.2 mile climb up to the top and a great 5440 ft

The scenery and cloudy skies were fantastic.

A very enjoyable afternoon and far nicer than the skiing

Snowshoe walking in Les Gets


A slipping good time

After a few hours of good skiing on bad snow we decided to call it a day and do some walking.

We thought it would be fun to walk up to Mont Chery and visit la Grande Ourse.

Unfortunately we went without snow shoes.

On the way down we came across a very icy patch.

I slipped and thought I was never going to stop sliding as the edge just got closer and closer 🙁

Next time…   Snow shoes !!


At last I have finished reading my book Stolen by Lesley Pearse.

I really enjoyed it but do wish it didn’t take me so long to read a book, I started this one in August 🙁

I just find it hard to sit still for longer than half an hour.

Anyway a friend has sent me another book to read, One day by David
Nicholls, so this is packed in my bag and coming to Les Gets with me tomorrow.

I just hope my friend realizes it could be 6 months before she gets her book back 🙂

Although the snow is very poor at the moment so maybe there will be tons of time for reading 🙁

Watch out for the photo’s 🙂

Time for a change

For a while now I have been going to Yoga twice a week

Although I can see that it has been good for me I do find it very slow and always come home feeling very cold 🙁

This week I saw an advert for a beginners running course and I was very tempted.

After ringing for more information I was even more tempted 🙂

So my form and money have been sent and hopefully I will have a place for 6 weeks from 26th January.

I think it will be great fun and a good way to meet some new people

After that I may progress to the Lynnsport Ladybirds 🙂

Chocolate heaven

Matthew’s Girlfriend was 18 over the weekend, so a good excuse to bake another Giant cup cake.

This time it was a chocolate cup cake with a topping and filling made from chocolate and fresh cream

The filling stayed all gooey and was totally divine 🙂

BTW the giant cup cake is aprox 25 times bigger than a normal cup cake.