Category Archives: Personal

Autumn colours

The beautiful thing about today’s walk had to be all the Autumn colours 🙂

< > >

Next weekend Cambridge Rambling Club are away on a Hostel weekend

I was intending to bake our Christmas cake 🙂

Then I was asked why I was not going on the hostel weekend and I wondered that myself.

So now I am joining them at Holmbury St Mary yha for a weekend of walking in the North Downs.

and I am so excited 🙂

A Fleeting comment

funny how a fleeting comment from some one , you hardly know ,can hurt so much 🙁

That is what got me down in the week 🙁

But a day spent with friends can soon cheer you up…

an afternoon by the river looking at one friends new house and helping clear their garden

a lot of work to be done but what fun to be had and another place for swimming in the cam

Then an evening at my first ever Ceilidh dance, organized by the walking group I go walking with on a sunday.

It got off to a bad start with my friends being an hour late 🙁

but we  soon made up for it and I can honestly say I have never laughed so much

Even though it was noticed that I had no male partner 🙁

seems my friend has drank too much of my Raspberry gin and is now feeling quite ill

where as I am feeling wide awake

looking forward to tomorrows walk 🙂

Did you know ??

That having a regular Massage is great for your immune system 🙂

Which basically means it will help you fight off infections.

So by having a regular massage you should fight off those winter bugs more easily.

If you don’t believe me go and read more over at Wee Sally !

Then if you decide to give it a go and live in the Kings Lynn Area

call me on 07843261254 to book you massage … Home visits a specialty 🙂

First Attempt

Finally for the first time ever in my life.

I have a nice clean fresh looking bathroom 🙂

Its my first attempt at painting and although not perfect I am well pleased with the results.

I used a brush and a roller which made it a much quicker job 🙂

The mirror tile has been stuck on using “no nails glue ” so lets hope its as good as they say!

Next job is to gloss the skirting board which will just finish it off nicely.

Then I have the kitchen to paint but I will do this over a longer period of time.

So all that is left to do is run a nice hot bath light the candles and enjoy !


Together as one

Geoff and I may be many miles apart at the moment, but we both still went out walking yesterday.

I know I was thinking about the Sunday, four years ago, when I had my first walk with Geoff and I hope he was too 🙂

My walk yesterday was very different to Geoff’s walk but I know we both enjoyed our walks.

Here is my 14 mile walk…

Pakenham Walk

And Geoff’s  12 mile walk …

Pokara lake circular hike with visit to Stupa

Fake v Orginal

I am Still feeling a little bit disappointed with my boys

As they never got me my Cath Kidston apron for my Birthday 🙁

So today, as the clasp had broken on my purse, I treated myself to a Cath Kidston purse

In China we found lots of fake Cath Kidston and I could kick myself for not buying the bag I so wanted.

It was £8 compared to £45 and no one would ever had known it was fake.

A decision has been made !

After buying many tester pots of paint I have finally decided what colour I am going to paint my bathroom.

Natural Hessian by Dulux

If you can see some pink tones Caity, just close your eyes 🙂

I will buy some brown towels for contrast.

Now I just have to buy the paint and get motivated !

Third Time lucky !

If you remember, I would not do my packing for China until I had finished knitting my sock.

I felt well happy when I managed to finish it 🙂 but was soon disappointed when I realized that I had cast off too tight to get it over my heel.

Since coming home I have unpicked the top of my sock twice and cast off again, both times it was still too tight 🙁

Finally I asked a friend for advice, thank god for YouTube

Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Sewn Bind Off

Finally I can get my sock on 🙂 now i just have to knit the matching one to make a pair !