Category Archives: Personal

What a difference a week makes

Geoff has been desperate to get his hands on my kitchen wall for quite some time now.

About 3 years ago he told me that my house would be transformed if I let him knock the wall down that divided the kitchen and dinning room.

At the time I thought I would never get permission from my housing association so did nothing about it.

Periodically Geoff bought the subject up, still I did nothing BUT then a few months ago for some reason right out the blue I asked permission.

To my amazement they said YES 🙂

So on and off during the past week Geoff has been busy , with a little help from me,transforming my kitchen.

I thought it would be a huge job but Geoff made it all look so easy and the end results are magnificent.

Never ever did I expect to have such a lovely kitchen/dinning room 🙂

Just hope he knows how much its appreciated , that’s another million Massages I owe him 🙂


Finally after 5 years we have accepted that this is home and we wont be moving house.

This is not where we wanted to live but when your in the position I was in you have no choice in these matters.

Ideally I would still love to live in Downham Market but for the boys this would be a disaster.

Most of the time I feel happy when I am at home even when home alone, finally I can relax and read a book or do my knitting.

I persuaded my housing association to do a few small jobs in my house which make a huge difference.

I also managed to get permission to knock down a non supporting wall that divides my kitchen/dinning room.

Of course I realize that getting to spend my weekends in Cambridge helps me like my own home more  🙂

Andrew being able to drive now, also makes life easier for the boys too 🙂

What happens when we can no longer afford petrol I do not know BUT we shall cross that bridge when the day arrives !


Remember These ?

French knitting dolls

and I have been playing

I can remember the one I had as a little girl , it was much prettier than the ones you buy today.

I also remember making them with cotton reels and nails.

Anyway this one is for Geoff’s granddaughter and I am hoping I will be able to teach her how to use it 🙂


On the way to yoga I saw this for sale out side someones house

It was there just to tempt me and of course with my love of jam making I could not resist

So more Rhubarb and Ginger jam shall be made this week 🙂

I only have one jar of marmalade left now 🙁

As Geoff goes through a jar a week he has requested that I make 52 jars of marmalade next time.

One Reason why I love cambridge

Apart From the fact That Geoff is here 🙂

Today I realized that I had a few spices missing

Spices  needed for my Roasted Monkfish Chermoula.

Luckily I was in Cambridge and just a 10 min cycle ride away from the market.

Now if I had been at home it would have been a 10 mile car ride 🙁

I left the Saffron out my recipe as I had no idea that it was so expensive, the lady on the market told me it was more expensive than gold

If only I had bought some back from Morocco with me !

Anyway the Monkfish is now marinading in all the lovely spices 🙂

The rest of the day has been spent reading up on how to do short heel rows I think it has sunk in and I know what has to be done 🙂

Love them or Hate them

My son Andrew has just had his first Tattoo

You either love them or hate them , I think this looks really good.

Its in memory of his Dad , who would have loved it 🙂

It took 3 hours to have done and he says the last bit was painful.